Online learning platforms make education convenient for all

Update: 2022-05-25 23:15 IST

Online learning is now part of the mainstream. convenience, cost, and easy accessibility offered by online learning vis-à-vis traditional learning have paved the path for its rise in recent years.

Traditional classrooms have evolved over time, especially as technology has pervaded some, then all, aspects of the learning environment. Technology has altered classroom learning as we know it, from projectors to smart screens and all in between. Now, online learning is changing our expectations of learning spaces, procedures, and experiences. Many of the benefits of traditional classrooms are now available through eLearning platforms. The variety of eLearning platform features, accessibility, lower costs, and access to high-quality education from all parts of the world have contributed to this rise. Students from 35 countries access the Brainly education app daily to clear their doubts. On Brainly, students can work at their own pace and get help from peers and subject experts.


Some reasons why online learning is gaining popularity

Flexible and Economical - Online learning can take place at any time (as recorded sessions are possible) and from any location, yet it is no less effective than traditional classroom learning. Appreciate the process and make good use of it. Not only do you save money and time by learning online. You have the option of learning at your own pace and selecting your own course.

Online learning is priced lower than traditional university courses and is worth the cost. Besides the higher school fees, other expenses like accommodation costs, textbooks, equipment, groceries, transport, and other costs inflate the overall learning cost in traditional schooling. Online learning cuts down costs towards this paraphernalia by more than half, leaving the students to gain learning at the most affordable prices without compromising on the quality of education. Economies of scale play a large role in lowering the cost of learning without compromising on quality. It ensures that a larger audience has access to courses that were previously only available to those with larger budgets.

Great Student-Tutor Interactions - A traditional classroom has at least 50 students and one teacher this is not the case with online learning. A variety of teaching strategies may be used by the teacher in online learning. They can also give far more individual attention to students than in regular classes. The number of students allowed to enroll in most live-streamed online learning courses is limited, ensuring that each student receives adequate attention and assistance from their teacher.

Personalized Learning Outcomes - Online learning can provide a personalized learning outcome because students can learn at their own pace and are encouraged to obtain hands-on experience rather than memorize textbooks. It also helps that students can attend lessons from the comfort of their homes, this encourages them to approach learning with enthusiasm. Students have more energy to attend online classes since they are not pressured by traveling to and from class, class times, or personal schedules.

Increased Retention Rates - retention rates are higher in online learning than in traditional schooling. This is likely due to the decrease in factors causing stress and pressures otherwise present in traditional schools. Students are allowed to learn and practice at their own pace; their course material is also available for a lifetime; in case they want to come back and refresh their memory.

Frequent assessments help keep students focused - One of the advantages of online courses is that assessment can become a more continuous process. This is good news for students because interspersing multimedia content and learning materials with regular short assessments can help students stay engaged.

Easy Accessibility of Quality Teachers- The online courses offer quality teachers breaking the geography barriers, one could have an excellent English teacher from Mumbai or Delhi for a student who lives in tier 2 cities. This is not possible in traditional classroom teaching.

People are accepting technology and finding new methods to integrate it in support of education in today's fast-paced, technology-oriented environment. Online education has come a long way in making quality education accessible, engaging, and in some cases more impactful by adopting new-age technology.

The landscape of education has been altered by online schooling. Using cutting-edge technology has made high-quality education more accessible, engaging, and, in some situations, more impactful. It encourages learners to be more independent, flexible, and dynamic while providing a more personal learning environment.



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