No Compromise With These Disintegrators!

Update: 2022-10-24 00:46 IST

Two instant reactions to opposite serving causes, namely, Muslim and Hindu have generated to the opposition to the another.

While opposition Hindu have gracefully accepted, time fully, Hijab verdict of the Allahabad High Court and preferred an appeal to the Supreme Court, at the same time the Supreme Court who too, has cited a split verdict in Gyan Vapi case has been cited diametrically venomous. A self-styled leader has gone to the extent of creating communal disturbances if Gyan Vapi Sivalingam was sent for carbon dating. The dichotomy of Constitution crisis seems to be fermenting in this matter.


In all democracies Rule of Law be supposed be supreme. No individual however high he may be can ride over the Rule of Law. A Member of Parliament has more responsibility than the citizens as he sits in the Parliament, law-making body. Judiciary is a part of the democratic system and its orders have to be followed literally. If Gyan Vapi matter has been taken to or three of five judge bench, there is nothing wrong. It is the system and has be to be whatever verdict be.

We in India, cannot afford to be showing laxity in these matters. Art.19 while it was ordered to be included in the present from, it was ordained that the State can impose reasonable restrictions on the freedom of expression.

National integration is paramount to the sovereignty of country and all other fictions, dogma and fundamentals are in substitution of it. To achieve this, integrity and unity is a must before anything.

Today, most of the nations of the world are at strife with each other on the issue of sovereignty and unity. The only thing that takes people of the country together is integrity, despite different religions and Samprdhaya. World today is far ascender between the world with weapons and less weapons. The world believes in might of weapons but unfortunately it is not true the real development of the world would take place irrespective of different religions, casts and languages. Real development is in the hunger eradication, grains production and production of goods and services that will deliver standard of living to the people and make them more enjoyable.

That is why what is applicable to a nation is also applicable to the world. Poverty elevation and economic development is the only way to success. In weapons the nations may make more profit but it is not desirable because nations after nations long for blood of enemy nations and in the end they destroy each together. The unbroken thread of unity in the Rule of Law no nation can tolerate the breach of Rule of law as it would jeopardise national integration. The inciters of national interest and an anarchy will not only do national harm but also do the irreparable damage which cannot be fulfilled for a long time, maybe a century also.

Therefore, at least in the national interest nation should concentrate on food productions and goods and services production. It does not mean that the nation should not concentrate upon defence production but it must be minimal. Every pie spent on defence production is a waste. However, nations should fine balance equilibrium in maintaining the production of weaponry, in grains production and industrial goods and services productions. The recently issued advisory in case of atomic/missile war by the American President signal to the welfare of the people in case of nuclear emergency before the 15 minutes advisory what to do and not to do.


The Supreme Court bench comprising of justices KM Joseph and Hrishikesh Roy, in the case of Shaheen Abdullah versus Union of India, has directed governments of Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand, to suo motu take action against the offenders who commit an offence under Sections 153A, 153B, 295A and 506 of IPC without waiting for a complaint and also to file a report as to what action has been taken by them so far in the present writ petition against the offenders. The court further added that the governments will issue directions to the subordinates so that appropriate action can be taken at the earliest.


In a judgment having demoralising effect on the society, the Madhya Pradesh High Court has reduced the punishment from life term to 20 years gleefully. In an epoch- making judgment, a division bench of Justices Subodh Abhyankar and Satyendra Kumar Singh in Ramu v State of MP have shown mercy to the convict of rape for having shown mercy towards 4-year-old victim of rape and gifting her life. The judgment is bound to have social repercussions and most probably be challenged in the Supreme Court by the State.


Conforming the conviction of 28-year-old man who set a class ninth student on fire in 2018 merely because she rejected his proposal the Madras High Court observed that such incidents are on the rise and only reflect the fact that man considers woman as a chattel and wants to own or forcibly take her under his control without understanding that she is a human being.

The division Bench of Justice J. Nisha Banu and Justice Anand Venkatesh observed that due to one sided love the convict had proposed a 14-year-old girl which she rejected. Consequently, she was killed by pouring petrol.



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