Staggering distortions of Adi Kavya in Adi Purush

Update: 2023-06-25 08:28 IST

People like to see a movie either for entertainment or for a subtle message or for music and songs or for a comedy or a tragedy and appreciate if they like. But, if a movie projected as mythology centric and shown with typical disgusting combination of folk and social features, and turns out to be a rude shock to viewers, how can it be better described or reviewed than using a word ‘distortion’?


The instantaneous reaction of viewers of this movie, by and large was: ”Oh! Characters of Raghava (Sri Rama), Sheshu (Lakshmana), Janaki (Sita), Bajrang (Hanuman), Ravana, Vibhishana, Kumbhakarna, Mandodari, Shoorphanaka etc. could also be shaped and presented this way, without doing proper homework.” The stunning name of this fabricated story film is ‘Adi Purush’ ostensibly based on the all-time world famous great epic Ramayana. Strangely, in the introduction, it was mentioned that, Valmiki Ramayana was the source and inspiration for the theme of the film, but in effect, it is seldom observed in the film anywhere.

The Great Sage Valmiki blessed humanity with his Epic and a Great Literature Sri Ramayana that speaks about the story of Sri Rama known to be an exceptional ‘Role Model’ (Maryada Purushottam). Unfortunately, the film makers seems to have totally forgotten that, Indians considered Ramayana as an Ideal and Best example and practiced the immense culture and traditions, which are totally distorted in the movie beyond anyone’s imagination!!! Valmiki Ramayana that emanates a unique poetical sound (Dhvani Kavyam) speaks of sixteen characteristics or qualities of Sri Rama contextualizing various phases of his life. The film makers, strangely gone totally opposite and portrayed him with his unlike characteristics.

When one reads Valmiki Ramayana the characters and importantly of Sri Rama will be of eye-catching. But when one sees this film, the feeling one will have is, Oh! could this be the real and correct way to portray Sri Rama (Raghava)!!! Adi Purush movie, had shown scenes of Raghava, in an awkward and often dreadful manner, graphically supported, exhibiting his skills of unnecessary leaps, jumps and heaps and dives!!! In one scene, it was shown awkwardly, Raghava sitting indifferently alone and suddenly turning aggressive with non-existing and elusive creatures in a rare display of folk style heroism.!!! What is this?

Logic and rationale to start the film with parts of Aranya Kanda, negligible bit of Kishkindha Kanda and abruptly closing with Yuddha Kanda bit is also debatable. Sheshu (Lakshmana) positioning a grill-like structure around Janaki (Sita) with a warning not to cross the border, when she is alone, was shown in a ridiculous manner. Without signifying any context, Janaki was shown asking Raghava to fetch the Golden Deer that was loitering there in a flock. Immediately, emulating the style of Hero chasing Villain in a social film, Raghava chases the deer and pulls his arrow to kill it. Whispering ‘Sheshu’ ‘Sheshu’ it dies and becomes a demon. There was no mention of Ravana friend Maricha that was in that form!!!

There was no reference to ‘Laxmana Rekha’ or the Grill as in the film, drawn by Laxmana before leaving Sita or Janaki and go to help Sri Rama in Valmiki Ramayana. Ravana, according to Valmiki, enters the Ashram right royally and threatens Sita and kidnaps her by touching and pulling her. In the film Adi Purush, it was shown that, Ravana appearing as a Bikshuka first making Janaki to cross the line and later in a modern hair style and typical dress, and like a magician, tie her with ropes in an unconscious stage and putting her in an awkward space vehicle of an unusual bird, and steering by himself.

It was also shown in the film, that Lakshmana who went to help his brother meets him half a way through and both return to the Ashram, exactly at a time when Ravana was little away in the sky abducting Janaki. They were shown staying silent without attempting to counter Ravana which is incorrect! They both reach much much later after Ravana left. It was Kabandha who suggested Sri Rama to make friendship with Sugriva but not Sabari. Accordingly, Sri Rama and Lakshmana proceeded and, on the way met Sabari, who gave them the best of the fruits collected, but did not feed Rama with tasted fruits.

First meeting between Hanuma, Sri Rama and Lakshmana was incorrectly shown. The film shows Bajrang sitting at one place, exposing his six-pack body, and asking Raghava and Sheshu illogical and senseless questions which is not in Valmiki Ramayana. Actual story is, on seeing Rama and Lakshmana in the vicinity of Rushyamook, Sugriva afraid of them as persons sent by Vali to kill him, deployed Hanuma to elicit information. Hanuma in a ‘Bikshuka’ attire went to them and revealed all about Sugriva and Vali and reasons for Sugriva being in exile driven away by Vali. Later he took them to Sugriva to befriend. Thus, the bond of friendship between Rama and Sugriva developed.

Rama promises to kill Vali and fulfills his vow by way of releasing an arrow from his bow from behind a tree but not face to face as wrongly shown in the film. The rationale behind this was a pioneer discussion on ‘Dharma’ between Vali and Sri Rama. When Sugriva was sending his monkey brigade to all four sides in search of Janaki which did not form part of the film, Hanuma was deputed to south. Sri Rama confident of his caliber gives his ‘Finger Ring’ to show it to Sita indicating that he is Rama’s representative, but not the ‘single pearl’ as shown in the film. Sita in return gives her precious ‘Chudamani’ but not ‘Bangle’ to Hanuma as shown in the film.

On leaving Sita, as a show of strength, Hanuma triumphantly fought against Ravana’s supporters before surrendering voluntarily, in a bid to reach Ravana. Hanuma and Ravana meeting where Hanuma exhibits his communication skills was not shown in the film for obvious reasons. Instead Bajrang was shown in an awkward way using filthy language on burning his tail. Construction of Bridge on the Ocean with stones was also shown faultily. Hanuman did bring Sanjeevani Mountain but the context was different. It was brought when Ravana threw the weapon ‘Shakti’ on Lakshmana resulting in his unconsciousness for a brief while. It was not because of his deathlike state in the hands of Indrajit. In another typical and faulty manner, it is shown in the film, making some medicine on the arrival of Sanjivani!!!

According to Valmiki Ramayana, during the last moments of Ravana, Rama used ‘Brahmastra’ and killed Ravana from the chariot sent by Indra with Matahli in the driving seat and advising to use the weapon. The way it was shown in the film that both Sri Rama and Ravana exposing their bodies with Chests overflowing out and muscles on display and fighting standing on the ground like boxers or wrestlers is again another awkward scene. After Ravana’s death, the film was abruptly ended with Rama and Sita joining.

Valmiki Ramayana is the one and only standard text that talks about the exact story of Sri Rama and Sita Devi (Raghava and Janaki) and rest are all Texts with self-styled insertions. It was the first and foremost literary exposition, The Adi Kavya. Strangely, this Movie is named as ‘Adi Purush’!!! Any relevance???



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