The Patriotism of Every Indian

Update: 2022-08-15 04:30 IST

"We want deeper sincerity of motive, A Greater Courage in Speech and earnestness in Action."

–Sarojini Naidu

The overpowering words of Sarojini Naidu today remind us of our purpose as Indians.

Where we are celebrating Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav on the occasion of 75 years of Independence, it's a moment of joy and pride and also to relive the moments that our freedom fighters lived. Being a vassal and living life as an inferior in your own home and land have already been experienced by all during the Pandemic. The struggle for freedom was ignited by our freedom fighters to trash out the colonial power of the west from India.


There were gallant sacrifices with an attitude of "Never die spirit." They selflessly began the journey of laying down their lives. With the supreme Sacrifice of Mangal Pandey on 19th July 1827 when as a sepoy he attacked his superior officer, the spark of freedom was ignited. The reason for this wave was the stringent and rigid policies and meager salaries for the sepoys. This roar didn't stop even after Mangal Pandey was martyred and the spirit spread like fire. The spirit was so strong that in spite of knowing they are nearing death the innumerable women and men never hesitated to raise their voices and lay down their lives to be in free India. The passion and the spirit of Indians won over the power of British rule putting an end to it. The sequence of historic events of Independence Day didn't stop here at Mangal Pandey – It is still continuing to fight with the colonial mindsets and lack of decision making.

Today after 75 years of Independence, do we use our independent mindset? Yes, constitutionally, we are Independent, yet in the decisions that we take and the way we function in society, are they still deeply influenced by the power of the West? Do we still remember our martyrs and their sacrifice? Do we take pride in our history and if we know our history? How much have we improved in our Socio-Economic Status? Are we living independently or is it declining from the mindsets as per the conveniences of people?

Illusion of Independence

Have we really evolved with the changing world or are we still using defense mechanisms of the primitive era used by our ancestors? The human mind is just a machine that remembers the past, overreacts in present, and anticipates to future. Our minds are more independent than we can ever think, provided it has not been slaved. To continue with the legacy of our freedom fighters, in today's circumstances also, it is essential to build capability around individuality and emancipation amongst those who continue to live with the cultural responses of the past.

Today, when everyone is aiming and hoping for India to be Super Power, being super power is not the only determinant to being a free nation from foreigners, but also not being caged by their influences in the decisions. There are still: Biases within the geographies of the country; Biases in Gender; and, Biases in caste

What the Britishers did to us can be accepted as slavery by foreigners. They ate our bread and robbed the country, yet now among our own fellow citizens, the same slavery is breeding for each other. The Western countries, with time, have taken shelter from our norms and culture to evolve and enrich. The culture of social organizations in India has endured for a long time with the belief that we are marginalized or discriminated against on the basis and biases of caste or class. It promotes oppression, marginalization, and inequalities while framing individual self-determination as an exclusively Western notion.

The stringent hierarchical mindsets in the organizations are still the bottlenecks, with the slavery of poor culture which is still based on the west. Following their triumphs and glory and celebrating it within their employees, slipping with our own policies loses the credibility of their vision and mission. Ironically, the west has moved ahead on our foundation, yet people in the MNCs in our own country blindly follow what is told to them without knowing it. The patriotism of every India is getting faded away because of a lack of faith and knowledge of the strong foundation of our own country. To be patriotic is to protect the sovereignty and the heritage of our own country and evolve to be responsible and educated.

Today when the enemy is at the door and the borders are ready with military deployment, the economy is shrinking, do we need to blame the West or our own Caged Mindsets which are influenced either by the ancestral era or by the west? The saga of India is so robust that cannot be derailed by ignorant and cosmetic minds, yet to remind the citizens on 75th Independence Day. "Ab bhiJiskaKhoon Na Khaula, wo khoonnai Paani hai, Jo DeshkeKaamnaAaye wo Bekar Jawani Hai," said Chandra Shekhar Azad.



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