Talk held on Civil Services career in Secuderabad

Update: 2019-04-23 00:55 IST

A Special conversation with Anil Swarup, IAS was held recently at Guru Swamy Center, West Marredpally, Secunderabad. Mr Sudhakar Rao, a Brand Strategist and a noted keynote speaker moderated the discussion.

The conversation revolved around Anil Swaup's experiences in the Civil Services especially in school education and coal and mines ministry. Anil Swarup penned a book titled "Not Just a Civil Servant" which portrayed the experiences that shaped him from a student through years of rigorous training to a Civil Servant and finally managing crisis, both man-made and otherwise, that confronted the Government.


His career spanning 38 years involved tackling myriad of issues that ranged from dealing with corruption in the state of U.P to coal mafias, witnessing the aftermath of Babri demolition to handling education mafias. He described his triumphs and disappointments, both public and private, narrating the story of his life which he lived on his terms. During the conversation, looking at the enthusiasm of the audience Swarup shared some interesting tidbits which are not part of the book. Some of his revelations have inspired and motivated the young students who wish to take up the profession of Civil Services.

Sudhakar Rao said "Not Just a Civil Servant" is a very unusual account of experiences of a Civil Servant during his tenure. Several incidents were written in a simple language and it gives an impression to the readers as if the author is sharing to you. The details of coal, education RSBY are laced with humane stories making a deeply engrossing read throughout the book.

This is also a problem-solution scenario dominated narrative appealing to working professionals, civil services aspirants, educationists and students alike. "It is an absolute honour and joy to get the opportunity to converse with a Senior Civil Servant like Anil Swarupji", Sudhakar Rao added.

Students, Civil Service aspirants, education professionals, IT Professionals, Doctors at large attended the event. 



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