Countering procrastination

Update: 2022-02-13 00:38 IST

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Before we begin to understand procrastination, how do we relate to the term? Is it all about delaying decisions, being lazy and postponing things. Let's get to know more about procrastination and what is it all about?

The procrastination conundrum states how delaying things has a serious repercussion. It has strings attached to negativity and being irrational. Coping with the innate frustrated mindsets, anger, frustration is a way to be worked around. All of us get distracted but we need to mend our moods. Our thoughts and habits play an important role. Any unpleasant happening, low self-esteem, insecurity which gets in the way has to be addressed. This affects our functioning and thinking apart from the ability to make the right decisions.


When confronted to procrastinate, one should bring in a sense of inquisitiveness to any task to make the situation better. Planning actionable goals both short and long term will make a task interesting by achieving them. Any distractions have to be addressed and challenged. Our emotions associated with any activity which is of not any interest may also lead to procrastination.

Why we procrastinate revolves around habits and thinking. Starting to mend our habits will result in actionable results without any delay. Ways to get better include:

l Time management

l Handling tasks

l Right approach

l Inculcating habits

l Efficiency and productivity

l Prioritising as a key tool

Procrastination becomes a problem area when it becomes a habit. Why we are drawn to procrastination and what measures have to be taken to counter it is crucial. Prioritising tasks is crucial, having a task list, countering any distractions getting in the way, indulging in pep talk are essential ingredients. Identifying the probable reasons for procrastination early will help in corrective measures in overcoming the problem area with good solutions.

Avoiding procrastination

l Well organized

l Avoid distractions

l Prioritising tasks

l Goal oriented

l Tight deadlines

l Break-time

l Being accountable

Some by-words for procrastination include later, excuse, panic or feeling guilty. Dealing with procrastination is accepting yourself that you procrastinate. Question it as to why let go of procrastinating. Not being organized is a major drawback as well. Making good decisions and implementing them is an actionable goal. Some counter strategies will be a big boost. Being well motivated will help a great deal. Also, analysing the right reasons to delay decisions will help one to take the corrective measures on strategies.

Procrastination when not dealt with at the right time has serious problems. It has to be therefore countered by altering habits and thinking. Whether young or old, most are affected with this issue. No issue is serious until some corrective measures are taken. Procrastination can be handled and well balanced, some consistent habits and change in thinking will pave the way for a better efficient lifestyle.

Procrastination is not a problem if we look at it as a problem; it's a well laid down solution to address the gaps. Let not procrastination take on us, it is better to face the intermittents. Taking charge of things on time without any delay, will save one from many pressing issues. Consistent attention, time and improvement will keep any procrastination at bay. The secret of getting ahead is to get started.



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