Graduates skills: What are employers looking for?

Update: 2022-10-13 23:19 IST

Technology innovations and disruptions have a significant influence on the dynamic and ever-changing nature of the workplace. The workforce must be continuously updated, upskilled, and improved to keep up with the rate of change; else, they will quickly become obscure, outdated, and ultimately excluded from their workplace. This effort to stop elimination and eradication stems from the focus on skill development to prepare the workforce for the future.


Changing one's abilities and mindset has always been necessary for success and will continue to be so. Over and above the initial motivation offered by academic credentials, one must be aware of their competencies. He or she must comprehend the effects of technology and update themselves appropriately.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a rapidly evolving, high-in-demand IT service that offers businesses a vast potential to expand their services without the issue of device space and location. The technology has been rapidly evolving, and today CRM, SaaS and other such cloud-based tools offer immense potential for businesses to develop a value-based interface for the customers, which helps them in growing their business manifolds by offering an exceptional customer experience. Owing to the ease of using cloud computing for SaaS (Software as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service) and IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), companies are revolutionising the ease of operations through technology. Hence, graduates with proficiency in Cloud Computing are in high demand in all sectors as businesses plan on moving to the cloud soon.


The use of blockchain technology is revolutionising several industries. An online course in Blockchain includes a wide range of courses, from blockchain technology basics to economic/business applications. Blockchain has made significant progress to become a cutting-edge component of the digital world. It now extends well beyond the area of cryptocurrencies that was first anticipated. Additionally, features like decentralized applications, smart contracts, Metaverse, and NFTs are helping blockchain spread its wings. The industry's tremendous demand will assure graduates employment and success with advanced experience opportunities.

No-code, low-code tech

With the current no-code, you can take any business problem and use drag-and-drop tools to construct a series of pages that directly address your needs. Platforms with no-code development are adaptable enough to create game-changing experiences, such as application development, customer-engagement software, data management software and more. The possibilities are not limited to corporate applications. You may build everything from sophisticated websites to smart forms using various no-code platforms. Things happen quickly. Every company is different, and the market is always evolving. The correct no-code cloud computing platform enables businesses to meet the rising needs of their partners, clients, and workers. As a result, minimal code has advantages for all industries, and the skill is in high demand. With the tech power vested in the companies through no-code, this skill will be in high demand for a long time.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Over the past several years, the Internet of Things (IoT) has become increasingly popular as linked gadgets and intelligent office and home appliances have taken over the world. By 2030, Statista projects that the global IoT industry will generate more than $1 trillion in sales. From Voice Powered Technologies to Data Analysis to Cybersecurity, Real Estate, Healthcare, and more. IoT has made remarkable developments in each space. Hence, a course in IoT can help graduates seek opportunities to grow in the sectors.

Artificial Intelligence

Several traditional jobs have been increasingly replaced by AI and machine learning (ML). Businesses are using AI and ML to automate processes. Students may learn programming for AI, the fundamentals of machine learning, robotics, big data analytics, and many other topics through an online course from a prominent organisation with expertise in Artificial Intelligence. After completing the course, the student can easily advance to senior roles in the AI industry.



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