Graduation Day celebrations at DPS, Nadergul

Update: 2020-03-12 00:17 IST

Hyderabad: The transition from preschool to primary section marks a very important step in a child's life. During the three years of pre-school education, the students grow and learn so much that it is simply amazing.

To appreciate the learning Delhi Public School, Nadergul celebrated its Graduation Day Ceremony titled as 'Crecimiento- We Learn We Grow' with great gusto and gaiety on Saturday last in the school's atrium to applaud the young enthusiastic learners of class Pre-Primary for their commendable performance in the session 2019-20.


The occasion was graced by Prof. Dr. K Markandeyulu, Kamineni Medical College, Komariah the school chairman and the parents.

The ceremony commenced with a stirring prayer song to evoke the blessings of the almighty followed by the 'Sow n Grow' welcome of the Chief Guest and the dignitaries.

The gathering was then addressed by the School Principal, Padma Jyothi Turaga highlighting the religious implementation of Delors Principles in the school's curriculum and activities which emphasises upon integrated vision of education.

One of the most influential concepts in it is the four pillars of learning namely: Learning to know; Learning to be; Learning to do ;Learning to live together that would help children to attain the knowledge that is essential for human development in a play way strategy. The role of parents and teachers in the students' learning process was also emphasised.

After this, vibrant music, dance, breath taking colours and highly coordinated movements promptly set the tone and mood of the atmosphere.

Their energetic booming and clapping coaxed the audience to sway to its lively beats. The graceful dancers of kindergarten presented a mesmerising performance on various themes namely Sprouting Seeds, Nature's Basket, Raindrops, Blossoming Flowerets, Helping Hands, Veggies Delight, Bubbly Butterflies, Green Warriors, Enthusiastic Explorers, which explicated the idea of 'sow and grow' and left everyone spellbound.

The chief guest Prof. Dr. K Markandeyulu addressed the gathering and advised the parents to be patient with children and also complimented the school and the staff for their guidance and strategies. His invigorating words enlightened the audience.

The limelight of the evening, 'Graduation Ceremony' started with the smart and tiny tots of pre-primary adorned in convocation capes walking towards the stage. Their smiling faces were welcomed by rapturous applause from the audience as they received scrolls of merit on the dais.

The Principal and the Vice Principal felicitated the students with Certificate of Graduation. Children looked all pretty in their graduation robes and caps.

The programme ended with the vote of thanks by the Primary Coordinator. It was indeed a joyous and memorable day for the little ones as they received their Graduation Certificates from the guests.



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