How to maintain a healthy lifestyle during exam season

Update: 2023-04-14 00:54 IST

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The crushing weight of India's education system has left students with more than just textbooks to carry. As exam season continues alongside rising stress levels, here are some ways students can approach studying to ensure a healthy and productive lifestyle.

All work and no play

Engaging in physical activity is essential for any students. Not only has it been proven that spending time in nature can lower cortisol levels, the hormone associated with stress, but taking a break can help improve cognitive function and make your studying more effective. Not only is it beneficial for your physical health, combatting the fatigue that can be caused by prolonged periods of sitting, but also your mental health.


Physical activity releases endorphins, the brain's "feel-good" chemicals, which improve overall mood and decrease chances of anxiety or depression that could interfere with exam performance. Whether you choose to go for a run, play a sport or even dance- regular physical activity is essential for brain function, memory consolidation, and overall health, all of which can contribute to exam success.

The ultimate mobile device

In the words of Sharon Salzberg, "meditation is the ultimate mobile device; you can use it anywhere, anytime, unobtrusively." In contrast to your actual device, which leads to reduced productivity, increased distractions and disrupts your overall performance, meditation can be a game-changer during exams. Studies have proven that practicing mindfulness helps students reduce stress, sharpen focus, and increase resilience and enhance memory. Consider incorporating breathing exercises or journaling into your daily routine to clear your mind and boost your performance.

You are what you eat

A balanced diet is a vital component of your exam prep. Not only does it support your physical health, providing your immune system with the nutrients it needs to prevent illness, but also sustain energy levels and optimal brain functions. While it is important to have a balanced and varied diet that includes all of the essential food groups, consider consuming specific foods such as fatty fish or nuts and seeds, which assist in cognitive function and memory, or whole grains like brown rice which increase energy levels during this period.

In conclusion, during exam season, it's important to take care of yourself both physically and mentally. Engaging in regular physical exercise, practicing meditation, and eating a healthy, balanced diet can all help to combat stress, improve focus and concentration, and support overall well-being. By making these practices a part of your daily routine, you can help ensure that you're taking care of both your body and your mind, and giving yourself the best chance for success. 



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