Introducing children to the wonders of science

Update: 2019-09-13 00:18 IST

Science introduces your child to the fascinating world of plants, animals, and the environment around them. Understanding science becomes easier when it is intriguing. So how can you make it intriguing? Through a science quiz for kids to trigger their curiosity. Question and answers for kids to make the subject a fun to learn.

1. Which animal lays eggs?


a. Dog b. Cat c. Duck d. Sheep

Answer: Duck

2. A male cow is called…

a. Ox b. Dog c. Sheep d. Monkey

Answer: Ox

3. All animals need food, air, and ____ to survive.

a. House b. Water c. Chocolate

d. Fruits

Answer: Water

4. Which one is a fur-bearing animal?

a. Hen b. Crocodile c. Tortoise d. Cat

Answer: Cat

5. What is earth's only natural satellite?

a. Sun b. Mars c. Venus d. Moon

Answer: Moon

6. The tree has a branch filled with green _____.

a. Hair b. Root c. Leaves d. Trunk

Answer: Leaves

7. What part of the body helps you move?

a. Eyes b. Lungs c. Pancreas d. Muscles

Answer: Muscles

8. The two holes of the nose are called?

a. Eyelids b. Nostrils c. Nails

d. Hair

Answer: Nostrils

9. Which star shines in the day and provides light?

a. Moon b. Venus c. Mars d. Sun

Answer: Sun

10. Legs have feet and arms have ___.

a. Ankles b. Pelvis c. Hands d. Skull

Answer: Hands

11. Which organ covers the entire body and protects it?

a. Liver b. Heart c. Skin d. Brain

Answer: Skin

12. Which shape is a round?

a. Rectangle b. Circle c. Square

d. Triangle

Answer: Circle

13. Who invented the first functional telephone?

a. Albert Einstein b. Nikola Tesla

c. Thomas Alva Edison

d. Alexander Graham Bell

Answer: Alexander Graham Bell

14. What is the young one of a cow called?

a. Puppy

b. Kitten

c. Calf

d. Baby

Answer: Calf

15. Dark rain clouds can give out lightning and ____.

a. Thunder b. Snow c. Sunlight d. Wind

Answer: Thunder

16. Your hands have four fingers and a ____.

a. Knee b. Ankle c. Elbow d. Thumb

Answer: Thumb

17. Which part of the bird lets it fly high in the sky?

a. Beak b. Feet c. Wings d. Claws

Answer: Wings

18. Animals that suckle their young ones are called ____.

a. Reptiles b. Birds c. Amphibians

d. Mammals

Answer: Mammals

19. What part of the plant conducts photosynthesis?

a. Branch b. Leaf c. Root

d. Trunk

Answer: Leaf

20. What is the boiling point of water?

a. 25°C b. 50°C c. 75°C d. 100°C

Answer: 100°C

21. Which is the largest land animal?

a. Lion b. Tiger c. Elephant d. Rhinoceros

Answer: Elephant

22. ____ helps pump blood through the entire body.

a. Lungs b. Kidneys

c. Heart d. Brain

Answer: Heart

23. How does a dog express happiness?

a. Twitching ears

b. Moving head

c. Closing eyes

d. Wagging tail

Answer: Wagging tail

24. What are the three states of matter?

Answer: Solid, Liquid, and Gas

25. Frog is a reptile or amphibian?

Answer: Amphibian

26. If one boils water it will convert into ____.

a. Mist b. Steam c. Clouds d. Snow

Answer: Steam

27. When you push something, you apply ____.

a. Force b. Acceleration

c. Mass d. Compression

Answer: Force

28. Which group of animals have scales?

a. Mammals b. Amphibians

c. Reptiles

Answer: Reptiles

29. Where does our food collect after we chew and swallow it?

a. Small intestine b. Large intestine

c. Stomach d. Liver

Answer: Stomach

30. Which material from the following has the highest transparency?

a. Paper b. Wood

c. Metal d. Glass

Answer: Glass

31. Which animal from the below list is best adapted to the desert?

a. Tiger b. Cheetah

c. Camel d. Deer

Answer: Camel

32. What part of the skeletal system protects the brain?

a. Spine b. Thigh

c. Pelvis d. Skull

Answer: Skull

33. What is the name of a frog's young one?

a. Infant b. Puppy

c. Calf d. Tadpole

Answer: Tadpole

34. Which pigment gives the leaves its green colour?

Answer: Chlorophyll

35. What tissue connects muscles to bones?

a. Skin

b. Blood vessels c. Fat d. Tendon

Answer: Tendon

36. Which nutrient plays an essential role in muscle-building?

a. Protein b. Carbohydrate

c. Iron d. Fat

Answer: Protein

37. Plants need which gas to perform photosynthesis?

a. Hydrogen b. Carbon monoxide

c. Carbon dioxide d. Oxygen

Answer: Carbon dioxide

38. Which scientist proposed the three laws of motion?

a. Isaac Newton b. Thomas Alva Edison

c. Albert Einstein d. Stephen Hawking

Answer: Isaac Newton

39. Earth is surrounded by layers of gases collectively called the _____.

a. Hydrosphere b. Stratosphere

c. Atmosphere d. Ozone layer

Answer: Atmosphere

40. Which system of the body controls the senses?

a. Circulatory system b. Digestive system

c. Nervous system d. Skeletal system

Answer: Nervous system

41. Which is the largest animal on earth?

a. Shark b. Elephant

c. Blue whale d. Giraffe

Answer: Blue whale

42. Similar body cells group together to form a ___.

a. Organ b. Tissue

c. Blood vessels d. Joints

Answer: Tissue

43. What energy emerges from motion?

a. Potential energy

b. Electrical energy

c. Kinetic energy

d. Gravitational energy

Answer: Kinetic energy

44. Which is the strongest sense in a dog?

a. Touch b. Hearing

c. Smell d. Taste

Answer: Smell

45. The Standard unit of measurement for energy is ____.

a. Newton b. Ampere

c. Watt d. Joule

Answer: Joule

46. Which biologist proposed the theory of evolution through natural selection?

a. Charles Darwin b. Stephen Hawking

c. Francesco Redi d. Alexander Fleming

Answer: Charles Darwin

47. What are animals, which eat both plants and animals, called?

a. Herbivores b. Insectivores

c. Carnivores d. Omnivores

Answer: Omnivores

48. The outward force, away from the centre, felt by an object in circular motion is ___.

a. Centripetal force b. Circular force

c. Centrifugal forces d. Elastic force

Answer: Centrifugal force

49. What type of energy eventually depletes?

a. Kinetic energy b. Non-renewable energy

c. Gravitational energy

d. Renewable energy

Answer: Non-renewable energy

50. A single piece of coiled DNA is called ____.

a. Nucleus b. Ribosome

c. Cytoplasm d. Chromosome

Answer: Chromosome



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