Maths, Science major concern for Indian students

Update: 2019-03-23 01:08 IST

Hyderabad: With the exam season underway, students all over the country have frantically begun making schedules and going through stacks of study materials, trying to keep their anxieties at bay.

In order to understand the general outlook towards examinations, Brainly, world's largest online peer-to-peer learning community, recently conducted a survey among its Indian user-base.


The survey, which witnessed an active participation of approximately 5000 students across the country and in Hyderabad, drew key insights regarding examination concerns.

The survey revealed that the students from Hyderabad see Maths and Science were two of the most concerning subjects, with around a collective 50% of the respondents preparing extensively for both.

Moreover, a combined share of around 48% of them felt the need to improve in these subjects.

This finding underlines the need for a different approach to attain a deeper understanding of the concepts in subjects like Maths and Science.

But, Language subjects like English & Telugu were also considered amongst the important subjects with more than 30% students rating it as a top priority.

To prepare themselves for these along with other subjects, students have been adopting several methods.

While books and notes enjoy the majority with around 45%, the respondents prefer online platforms and sources (40%) over private tutors (10%) for better comprehension and learning.

Stress and performance anxiety during examinations is one of the major issues that next to every student goes through.

Among the given options, respondents fear forgetting what they have learnt while appearing for their examination the most.

These students also struggle with meeting their own expectations regarding better performance and avoiding failures while living up to hopes and aspirations of their parents as well as others.

To rid themselves of the stress, a majority of the students turn to listening to music, while the rest opt for watching movies, playing games, and taking quick naps etc.

This survey is a clear representation of how students across India perceive examinations and the extensive efforts that they make to appear for them.

Sharing the objective behind conducting this survey, Michal Borkowski, Co-Founder and CEO, Brainly remarked, "India is one of Brainly's fastest-growing communities.

We have observed that Indian students are well-aware of the significance of examinations and are constantly on the lookout for efficient modes of learning.

While the concern of the students from Hyderabad is majorly towards Maths & Science, it shows a slight inclination towards language subjects as well.

Brainly is currently addressing various issues students have with regards to English and is seeing more traction for this subject."

With a monthly Indian user-base of over 15 million and growing, Brainly has emerged as a premier tool for facilitation of education in the digital era.

Through its peer-to-peer learning approach, Brainly enables students to prepare better for their examinations while understanding academic concepts to their very core. 



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