Measuring intelligence: Points to ponder over

Update: 2022-03-12 23:16 IST

Intelligence is considered to be the most powerful tool in assessing an individual's personality at different levels. Whether it takes the form of a social, cultural religious, generic or a sports purview, the definition stands the same. The connotations are many but it stands embedded in the DNA of a person. The litmus test of testing the true essence of an individual's intelligence is based in the standing of its true nature. To exemplify the litmus test varies based on the unique standing e.g., a green litmus test signifies shrewdness, intelligence at a heightened level, those with red prominence are unique, in a way of being highly resourceful with a penchant for beautiful tastes across varied streams and connect well to anyone and everyone. The rest of the colour tests vary based on the plateau of disposition with frequencies pronounced evenly or even oddly on the level of positioning.


So, how do we create a compelling scorecard which enhances the intelligence quotient? Before we decipher the value parameters, we need to focus on essentials like heightened imagination, situational analysis, blue and red prints of a probable skewed synthesis which has its derivatives on both the problem statement and the relevant solution. The sampling therefore ranges from different variants e.g., audiences who assess the subject on several parameters. In an educational institution, the Principal and the Teacher Community play an important role in the student's life. Though we have tests on IQ and EQ, a high scorecard in EQ is considered more powerful tool in assessing the student's emotional quotient.

In professional lrealm, imagination, creativity, story-telling, group ethos, ideation, influencers with cultural essence, rightful connections play an important role in carving a niche in the society. When value is an add-on, it is purely a high stakes volume, when value is diminished, it goes spiral long down. This is the root cause of downfall as we look up to immediacy with no/know contribution. Today's generation of youngsters can gain a bountiful when they add voluminous growth parameter alongside productivity. Growth begets growth; productivity begets productivity; so intelligence as well begets greater intelligentsia.

Good value perimeters include sources who add value with sound recommendations enhancing the stakes in references who build up the parameter of an individual's career threshold. For students the above factors are a big bonus with high brownie points which either escalate their growth or deduce their scorecard based on the reviews. Today the world is dominated by social media connect to a great extent. When we look at the portfolios of key leaders on either Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, we see a tremendous direct connect of stars with their audiences. In politics, the PM Modi Ji connects with a high scoring program Mann Ki Baat which is a huge runaway success. Film Stars have had a great impact in dealing with audiences as they are mass heroes or heroines. The cultural context has impactful connect who bridge the gap of reaching out to those who truly are the pioneers of a community. Educational institutions are the torch bearers of the student community and they either shape or bring down the aspirational quotient of a student.

The intrinsic purpose of intelligence tests is not only to gauge the externals but look only to gauge the externals but look at the over-all from an altruistic point of view covering the various decibels internally which hold the key. The key ingredient being submissive with a no holds barred approach so that the generational outcome is on a higher altitude. The growth of intelligence levels from primary to secondary experiences, both inherited and sourced from various subjective factors which stream lone the optimal factors.

Without intelligence the other parameters are but just a vein, a pain factor. But when utilised to a greater extent, socially and culturally through a thrust based on components of cultured value ratios, historically garnering food of thoughts from previous experiences, biologically through family, and expands in various dimensions to fulfil the objective of a learned pupil to gauge people and experiences better towards an exponential growth trajectory.

Intelligence is sublime; shrewd moving consistently in a circular of win-win, longitudinally or latitudinally, its prima facie pathway is to generate positive vibes and enhance the betterment of those whose aspirational ability is a long over-haul of experiences with both outcomes. If intelligence is an optimiser; its derivatives hold higher altitudes. Let's discover the potential of intelligence starting from our very own stories and reflections. This will mark the beginning of a new awareness from the way we operate and benchmark. Intelligence thereby is the true hallmark of our very own personalities shaping and converging to a new You...Discover! 



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