National Level Hackathon 2020 held at SNIST

Update: 2020-03-05 23:34 IST

Hyderabad: START club of ECE Department, Sree Nidhi Institute of Science and Technology organised a 48-hour AIKYA, a national-level Hackathon 2020 at Hyderabad.

Nearly 500 students participated in the Hackathon. The programme was inaugurated by Avik Neogi Education manager from Mathworks and Srinivas Natarajan , CEO from Clear Focus recently.


Bhanu Prakash Reddy, Director Of Gray logic , Kalyan Kumar Bose , President and CEO of Siyaton , D Anand Scientific Officer from TIFR Balloon center were the chief guests and judges for the programme.

92 ideas were presented during Hackathon and Students solved problems and developed solutions and prototypes for the Problems for Rural Development , Health Care , Security and Surveillance and Waste Management, Food Technology , Energy Conservation etc.

The chief guests said Hackathons are providing grounds for new ideas. Apart from academics students should have good problem solving skills , coding skills, communication skills, involve in product development and more innovations are to be done by students.

Dr P Narasimha Reddy Executive Director , Abhijit , Director Dr T Ch Siva Reddy Principal, Dr S P V Subba Rao, Head ECE department and Faculty coordinator for AIKYA Hackathon and faculties of ECE department Dr J Chattopadhyay, N Srinivas Reddy, DR D Ajitha, G Prasad acharya of Sree Nidhi Institute of Science and Technology guided the students during Hackathon.



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