The difference between living life and not

Update: 2019-10-23 00:08 IST

Not everyone has passion. Not everyone is moved emotionally by what they do. And, that's extremely unfortunate. But fortunately, you are not like everyone else. The winning organizations in every industry are filled with passionate, vocal, active people (also, we have more fun doing what we do). To us, it isn't even really 'work' in the sense that it flows naturally and feels more like creative freedom.


The world is shifting, and where before intellectuals used to be isolated and work on projects in a vacuum, now new social tools are allowing them to work together on deep projects that benefit everyone. Imagine, a group of complete strangers working together to create something incredible, inspiring and useful – all for free, and all due to pure internal motivation and desire to help the world.

Are you a part of a global project like Wikipedia? Or, global conversations about what you do professionally or are interested in personally?If not, you should be – the tools exist to interact with fantastic minds in our world, learn from them, and get better results and get inspiration for whatever you are doing.

Sorry if you're a TV watcher, but if you watch even more than a tiny amount, it is a waste of life. I don't mean to offend you, but really think about it: you are given a fleeting amount of time to physically exist on this planet and do something to change things for the better, and then you are gone. By watching TV for endless hours, you're squandering life, the most previous gift there is.

By watching TV you make the ultimate sacrifice – you could be reading, writing, making art, or actually interacting with your friends, family and other professionals in your industry. Would you rather look back at a life spent passively absorbing nonsense, or one spent changing the world for the better and creating what inspires you. The choice is obvious. 



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