Karnataka: Congress leaders refuses to take up the assembly speaker post

Update: 2023-05-22 08:59 IST

Congress party

Karnataka senior congress leaders are not ready to take on the responsibility of the new and permanent Speaker. The reason for this is said to be the fear of being attached to that position.  Since 2004, those sitting in constitutional and prestigious positions have experienced a severe setback in their political career. Leaders who are speakers have consistently lost elections. This ended his political career.


This concern has continued with the defeat of Vishweshwar Hegade Kageri, who was the speaker in the ruling BJP government. Kageri's defeat has come as a shock to the party. Kageri himself is distraught by this defeat. It has made him question his own strength as a strong leader.

In 2004,  Krishna from K R Pet  who was Speaker in the Krishna-led Congress government, lost the 2008 election from KR Pete constituency. Senior Congress leader Kagodu Thimmappa, who held the post of Speaker in 2013, was defeated in the 2018 elections. Five-time elected senior MLA K. B. Koliwada was the speaker in 2016. He also contested the election in 2018 and lost. Koliwada also lost in the subsequent 2019 by-election.

Ramesh Kumar, who was the speaker in the Congress-JDS government in 2018, also lost the election this time. After him, Kageri was the speaker in the BJP government. Through this, two Speakers have lost in a period of five years. Also, former CM Jagdish Shettar, who previously served as speaker in the BJP government, and another senior leader of the BJP, K.G. Bopaiah also lost in the recently concluded assembly elections.  Thus many faced a setback in  their  political career.  The congress high command  wanted to name senior leader G. Parameshwara  for post of  speaker. However,  party  sources said that he rejected this proposal and became a cabinet minister. Now  party is thinking  to select senior leaders  T. B. Jayachandra, H.K. Patil, B. R. Patil, Y.N.  Gopala Krishna for the post. But none appears to be interested in the post.



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