Karnataka Has Been Advised To Focused On Covid Clusters In The Wake Of The Omicron Scare

Update: 2021-12-24 14:45 IST

New labs are being considered for faster genome sequencing results

Karnataka has been urged to concentrate on the increase in clusters associated with the discovery of the highly transmissible Omicron form, as well as successfully managing the Covid-19 problem.

On Thursday, Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan held a video conference with Health Secretaries and National Health Mission (NHM) MDs from states and UTs to discuss state public preparedness for combatting Covid-19 and the Omicron strain, as well as immunisation efforts. Following that, a five-point strategy was recommended, which included directions on containment, testing and surveillance, clinical management, Covid-safe behaviour, and immunisation tactics.
Arundathi Chandrashekar, Managing Director, National Health Mission was present at the meeting and stated that they had urged to pay close attention to the increase in the number of clusters in Karnataka. They have been ordered to take strict steps in certain regions, as well as look into cluster containment techniques.
Various studies have demonstrated that cluster growth is generally associated to the prevalence of people with greater infectious burden, according to a senior doctor from the Technical Advisory Committee.
The size and longevity are mostly dependent on the viral load and contagiousness, thus it's critical to keep the clusters contained. Transmission can occur even in low viral load instances that go unnoticed by RAT tests, necessitating a switch to RT-PCR testing. The Centre has also requested that the state guarantee that all samples from clusters of cases are sent for genomic sequencing. Procedures have already been put in place to deal with this.
Health and Medical Education Minister Dr K Sudhakar mentioned that they are also thinking about bringing in new laboratories to get faster genome sequencing results. It has already been taken into account. While the Centre has requested that governments consider night curfews, limitations on large gatherings, and notification of containment zones and buffer zones in the event of clusters of positive cases.
Dr. Sudhakar further stated that the state has increased monitoring to ensure effective tracing, tracking, and quarantine of main and secondary contacts, as well as triaging of affected individuals for early screening and treatment. If more cases require hospitalisation, the critical care infrastructure, including ICU beds and oxygen producing plants, which was greatly expanded during the first and second waves, will be used.



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