9 Indian nature's best villages that take your breath away

Update: 2019-03-15 20:27 IST

One of the better known theories the "Biophilia Hypothesis" suggests that we love nature because we evolved in it. We need if for our psychological well-being because it's in our DNA. This theory rings true to me. But it's so broad, it also leaves me grasping for more What is it about nature and our relationship to it, that brings us so much joy?


You experience DIVINE when you are in Nature.. whether you call it God, Earth Mother, the Great Mystery or by another name, nature helps you to connect with this powerful, loving presence. You might feel this presence loving and supporting you. You might recieve guidance and wisdom. Nature brings you closer to our own spirit and to spirit.

Nature Heals... And helps us live lives of meaning and joy ..

Take a close look at these pictures of unmapped villages of India it will take your breath away.....

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