4 Easy Steps to Make a Home DIY hair detangler spray

Update: 2020-01-31 16:55 IST

Long, luscious hair provides ample scope for experimenting with different hairstyles. It's all fun till the time you deal with knots of tangled hair that refuses to come out.

Detangling hair is a time-consuming and stressful task that tests willpower, literally. A hair detangler will make things cleaner but the struggle to find the right product comes afterwards. A DIY hair-detangler spray at home will figure this out for you and guess what, it's not too hard to make either.


With minimum ingredients (and efforts) you can make one for yourself, here's how!

What you need:

The best part about this detangler spray that it requires no such ingredient that's difficult to procure. All you need is:

Step-by-step-Hair Detangler making

1. Start with Leave-in Conditioner Squeeze into your spray bottle in three spoonfuls of your favourite leave-in hair conditioner. Leave-in conditioner helps protect hair from hair damage caused by trapped moisture in hair strands and helps to remove. When moisture gets trapped in hair, it swells and causes damage and breakage. Leave-in conditioner, when applied on partially-dried hair after the head wash, reduces frizz, breakage and split ends.

2. Add Hot Water

Add around 500ml of hot water to the leave-in condition in the spray bottle. If you're confused about the water measurement, just make sure that you fill the bottle leaving just two inches from the top to aid in effective shaking of the ingredients. The temperature shouldn't be too hot or too cold.

3. Add Essential Oil

Choose an essential oil that you would like to apply to your detangler spray, based on your hair type, texture and need. Although this move is optional, adding a few drops is good for calming your senses. For example, lavender has antimicrobial properties and the hair growth is stimulated by rosemary. You can choose from lemongrass which cleans the scalp or chamomile which adds softness and shine.

4. Shake The Mixture And Start Using

Shake the mixture vigorously to thoroughly mix it. Before using, it is best to shake it each time so that it is applied in even concentration whenever you are using it. After the liquid has been prepared you can start using it almost immediately. Section your hair after head wash and add two to three spritzes per section. It makes for better absorption. Use a paddle brush to then remove your hair.



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