Awesome benefits of used tea bags for your beauty woes

Update: 2020-01-21 20:40 IST

You don't have to throw away your herbal tea teabags after using them because they still have beauty benefits that make them a lot more useful; Read on

This is how you can use used tea bags for your beauty woes

Who doesn't like sipping on some nice herbal tea which has numerous health benefits as well as beauty benefits? Herbal teas have become increasingly popular in the last few years and that's mainly due to their health benefits. From the regular green tea to some chamomile or hibiscus tea, we've heard it all and they've become one of the most popular home remedies that people turn to now because of all the natural benefits it can provide but right after we're done using the tea bag we tend to throw it away but did you know that it has beauty benefits that you can use it for instead of throwing it in the bin? Most of our teabags end up in the garbage but they are still beneficial and we fail to utilize them completely before we throw them away. As bizarre as this may sound, we suggest you use your used tea bags for their beauty benefits before you dispose of them off.


Here are some beauty hacks that you can use your used teabags for.

1. We often suffer from dark circles and puffy eyes and that has become a very common problem thanks to the immense amount of stress we face and the constant usage of technology which impacts our sleep cycle. But your used tea bag can help treat this beauty problem with ease. Keep your teabags in the freezer for 30 to 40 minutes and then keep them on your eyes for up to 15 minutes to reduce the puffiness and dark circles.

2. You can tear open your used tea bag and use the used tea leaves to make a homemade exfoliating scrub for your skin. A homemade tea leaves scrub can help exfoliate your skin much better than any store-bought product and helps unclog your pores and remove grime and dirt from your skin as well as the dead skin cells. This allows your skin to glow and absorb any nutrients it gains from the products you apply post exfoliating.

3. Chilled tea bags can help soothe your skin as well. If your skin is prone to rashes and sunburns you can freeze or refrigerate used tea bags for up to 30 minutes and keep them on the affected areas for 15 to 20 minutes or as long as it takes for them to become normal. This helps soothe your inflamed skin and reduces the rashes or burns



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