Protect your hair

Update: 2021-02-25 23:33 IST

Protect your hair

Weather is getting hotter so as our temple while fighting for right sunblock to right style. Summer is a great weather for hair. Here are few tips to bouncy, shiny, super cool hair styles and dazzling effects of it.

Washing your hair is a must

Increase the number of washes in a week. It will avoid accumulation of sweat on the scalp, and keep your hair clean and shiny.


Choose the right shampoo

Use a shampoo that addresses the problem of sweat, and does not strip your scalp. You cannot have a good building if the foundation is weak, so you have to have a strong scalp to maintain good quality hair.

Shampoo to suit the purpose

Use moisture or hydration shampoo and NOT creamy or heavy shampoo during summer.

How to use conditioners

The trick is to mix water with conditioners and use a little diluted version. It will not make hair feel heavy yet keep it moisturised.

Oiling is a must

Use light weight oil only for summers. Your grandparents still have lovely hair due to oiling of hair regularly, and some traditions are actually going to help you maintain beautiful hair.

Do not touch

People who have frizzy hair should avoid touching there hair too much. The more you comb your hair, the more you turn it into a ticking bomb. Coconut oil when applied on frizzy hair for two to three hours eases the frizz.

Right time for a haircut

The hair grows faster in summer making it the perfect reason for you to chop the crop. There are more split ends due to tying of hair, and pinning up too, the hair cut avoids this for sure. A hair cut can change how you look in the same attire, giving you an easy makeover.



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