Simple steps to prepare your skin this festive

Update: 2021-03-27 00:08 IST

Simple steps to prepare your skin this festive

The festival which marks the onset of summers, Holi, is just on the doorstep. Meeting your loved ones to celebrate the day with mouth-watering delicacies and heaps of colors ready to be splashed across the faces is an absolute delight. Talking about the colors, they can often hamper the quality of your skin and texture of the hair.

Sandeep Gupta, CEO & Director, e'clat Superior said, "It is an all-time concern to take proper care of the skin during this 'holiday of color' to ensure our skin protection during Holi."



Be consistent with a skin-care regime

Using serums is the best way to get a dewy and glowing skin as they hydrate it from its pores to form a protective covering. Night masks add a cherry on top with their healing qualities and prepare your skin to withstand the hard colors on the final day.

Apply coconut oil

Coconut oil has always been the best solution to almost all the skin related issues. There is nothing that could beat up the benefits that coconut oil has yielded over the years. Therefore, oil up your hair and skin to protect them from the marauds that the colors and water could cause

SPF is the friend in need for oily skin

The sun is loved while you are playing with colors and cold water, but one must protect themselves from the UV rays too. Dab some good amount of sunscreen before heading out so that the skin retains the moisture and shields you from the sustained exposure to the sunlight.


Acne treatment to the rescue

People with acne prone skin despise the aftereffects of playing with inorganic colors. Inflammation and breakouts are the most common issues one faces. Include the products with salicylic acid, Zinc, niacinamide that helps to calm the skin, reduce the acne and cease any further breakouts post holi.

Keep the skin hydrated

Not only post holi, but the best way to keep skin dryness at bay is to keep it hydrated. Look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid, argan oil, wheat germ in your moisturisers to help your skin stay soft and moisturised at all times.

Keeping in mind all these steps, you are all set to have a gala time on the most awaited festival of the year. Have fun and keep your skin-care game on the top this Holi.



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