Watsu Massage: A Unique Relaxing Aquatic Therapy

Update: 2019-12-24 15:35 IST

A hectic schedule, which is more often than not, jam-packed might be the cause of that constant back pain that refuses to go away. Add to that a myriad of reasons for you to not take a break, giving you the perfect recipe for stress. Fortunately, in today's day and age, we are privy to a number of processes that can help ease the pain to make us feel better.


With an array of spa therapies and massages available, there is no reason for you to not take a stake in professional help and care, which brings us to the subject at hand—the Watsu massage. A relaxing experience that has been gaining ground of late, a Watsu massage or Watsu therapy is a form of aquatic therapy that deserves your attention. But before you opt for one, read through to find out what it means and how exactly it can be of help.

What Is A Watsu Massage?

The conception of the Watsu massage, also referred to as Watsu therapy is attributed to Harold Dull, who developed it in the 1980s and discovered the impact it has both physically and mentally. By the mid-1980s and the years that followed, the unconventional form was used to relieve stress and treat medical conditions that caused severe pain.

Named by joining the words 'water' and 'Shiatsu', Watsu therapy is a combination of the two. The aquatic bodywork involves a therapist and takes place in warm water, which is supposed to match the body temperature of the person participating in it. Once in the water, a series of stretches and gentle massages teamed with meditation offer relaxation. According to a detailed insight provided by, Watsu therapy has "moments of stillness alternate with rhythmical flowing movements, which free the body in ways impossible on land. The warm water relaxes the muscles and supports the spine. With this support and without the weight of the body, the spine, joints, and muscles can be manipulated and freed in a way unique to water work. The effects include very gentle, yet deep stretching and a release of muscular and joint restrictions, along with a state of deep relaxation, which encourages the release of stress and tensions."

Since a major part of the process includes relying on the therapist for help and direction, Watsu therapy is also said to help overcome trust issues. Today, it is practiced at a number of places that include medical facilities and spas, but more on that later.

Procedure For A Watsu Massage

The distinctive Watsu therapy involves an unconventional process as well. That a Watsu massage requires water is well-known, but any common swimming pool, Jacuzzi or a water body cannot be used for it. A separate pool containing water heated to the person's body temperature is set up and when the person at the receiving end, as well as the therapist, are both in it, a series of turns, twirls, and light bends are administered to free the body of stress. Similar to dance, the body soon starts responding, with limbs gaining traction and muscles loosening to provide relaxation.

Other than the physical unwinding and involvement, Watsu therapy also involves enabling a feeling of tranquillity, marrying the stretches and bends with meditation to give an overall feeling of ease. Once the stretching is done and the person involved feels comfortable, the therapist places a clip on the nose and helps one submerge their head underwater for short periods of time. This part of Watsu therapy or Watsu massage is said to induce a feeling of surrealism, helping the person involved overcome their trauma and become self-aware. On average, the duration of an hour is enough to experience the feeling of relaxation that Watsu therapy leaves you with. After the session is complete, the therapist helps you fall back in a stable position. While some people stay in the pool or sit on the side, meditating about the recently concluded session, there are others who like to talk about the experience. Either way, if you are planning to sign up for a session, it's crucial to add some time for reflection at the end before heading anywhere else.

Benefits Of A Watsu Massage

Apart from having several advantages when it comes to physical symptoms such as pains and injuries, Watsu therapy is also known to improve one's state of mind, assisting the individual to achieve a peaceful, tranquil state. Beneficial for getting rid of trauma and anxiety, Watsu massage also helps in building trust and letting go of issues, hence taking you to a more positive place in life. Keep reading to find out all the benefits of Watsu therapy.

Image Courtesy: Marceloroque on Instagram

Reduces Anxiety

As mentioned earlier, Watsu therapy has a relaxing effect, that helps the person practising it get rid of stress and feel at ease.

Improves Sleep

Practising Watsu is known to have a positive effect on sleeping patterns, helping people who have trouble sleeping fall into slumber easily.

Reduces Body Pain

One of the unseen effects of Watsu therapy or Watsu massage is the reduction in body pain. Be it a stiff neck caused by incorrect posture or an injury caused due to an accident, Watsu therapy is just what you need to feel better.

Frees The Spine

In addition to its numerous physical benefits, the movements in Watsu therapy also help remove the stiffness in your spine, further helping movements.

Image Courtesy: Kapystinadarya on Instagram

Improves Digestion

Besides reducing stress and body pain, a Watsu massage is also known to improve digestion, that helps your body function better.

Promotes A Meditative Outlook

Other than its pain-relieving benefits, Watsu therapy is also helpful in promoting a meditative viewpoint which, in the long run, aids in maintaining a positive mindset, and keeps stress at bay.

Helps You Re-Centre

Traumatic experiences can leave a person in a vulnerable state. Keeping that in mind, Watsu therapy focuses on the recipient's state of being, helping him or her overcome obstacles by assisting in letting go.

Promotes Trust

Since the therapy involves getting help from another person, read therapist or practitioner, Watsu therapy or Watsu massage is a process that creates trust. It, therefore, helps people overcome their tendencies to doubt.

Image Courtesy: Dreamersvet on Instagram

Best Places To Visit For Watsu Massage

When it comes to participating in a Watsu therapy or a Watsu massage, it's essential that a trained professional with ample experience is there to guide you. Spas, hotels, and select facilities around the world now provide clients with this essential therapy that is known to have therapeutic effects on both the body and the mind. If you feel the need to participate in a session, you can look for one near you even whilst travelling. Be it tourist destinations such as Italy, Thailand, and the United States or wellness locations in India such as Auroville, there are a number of places that offer Watsu therapy, allowing you to try it out first-hand for an unparalleled experience. If a place closer home, think Delhi and Mumbai, were what you had in mind, you will find that a number of resorts, retreats, and spas offer Watsu therapy to those who are interested.

Keeping in mind all the essentials you would ideally need, be it the ideal infrastructure or the guidance of a trained and professional therapist, here are the best facilities that provide a therapeutic experience in Watsu massage or Watsu therapy around the world. 



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