Celebrating National Pollution Prevention Day 2019

Update: 2019-12-02 14:13 IST

National Pollution Control Day brings back the focus on the toxic air we breathe and how India's collective health is at stake.

World pollution Prevention Day, held on 2nd December every year

Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into an environment that causes instability, disorder, harm or discomfort to the ecosystem i.e. physical systems or living organisms. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat, or light. According to a study - Water pollution causes approximately 14,000 deaths per day, mostly due to contamination of drinking water by untreated sewage in developing countries. An estimated 700 million Indians have no access to a proper toilet, and 1,000 Indian children die of diarrhoeal sickness every day.


Nearly 500 million Chinese lack access to safe drinking water. 656,000 people die prematurely each year in China because of air pollution. There is an immediate need for potential pollution prevention and waste minimization techniques. When Wastes are reduced or eliminated, substantial economies can be realized by reduced expenditures for pollution control equipment, and lower treatment and disposal costs. To carry forward the awareness and the message, World Pollution Prevention Day is observed annually on every December 2.

It is very difficult to tackle and handle the situation of Pollution when there is a Big effect of Pollution in the Environment. Pollution is involved due to many of the reasons like the Bursting of the Crackers, Vehicles running on the Roads, Bomb Blast in some areas and many other reasons.

The pollution problem is nowadays getting bigger in many of the Countries, and it is important for the Government to reduce or stop the Pollution from many of the Ideas and Plans. The government has every type of plans to reduce Pollution as it can't be able to remove the pollution from every Country.

It is very important for people to get every knowledge of the Pollution to reduce it for making a better World of Clean Environment without Pollution. In Delhi, There is a lot of Pollution problem caused due to the Vehicles and other Reasons by which people are used to getting suffered by many of the Diseases.

So the Government has made various laws and rules to reduce Pollution by decreasing the vehicles to run on the Roads. Due to a decrease in Vehicles, the Pollution in the air is decreased, and the people can be able to live without any problem.

The pollution-free environment is very necessary for every people to do all the tasks in a better way and to remain Disease free. Without Pollution, the Environment is very useful to keep the people to get their tasks completed in a better way.

Pollution can result in making the people avoid the concentration in any of the activities which can result in incomplete of their goal.

So it is very important for every people to reduce the Pollution by reducing the Polluted activities such as Avoid Bursting of the Crackers, Avoid Running of the Vehicles on the Roads, Avoid Polluting the Water by the Chemicals, etc. It is important for every people to adjust as per the Environmental problems to make the people get relief from many of the Pollution effects.

It is quite dangerous for the Environment When the level of Pollution gets an increase in the Environment. So people should be aware of the Pollution effects, and it's prevention to be taken for protecting the Natural Environment.

Pollution problem mainly occurs in those areas where there are lots of Vehicles running on the Roads. It is the responsibility of the Government to control Pollution and to make a better World without Pollution.

In the case of high air pollution exposure, the first response is high mucous production to trap a maximum volume of these harmful particles and protect the lungs. In India, this air pollution-led "common cold or sour throat" symptom is caused by weather change or increasing cold. Ironically, the temperatures in Delhi have ranged between a minimum of 17 C to a maximum of 31C, and that is the definition of perfectly pleasant weather. My mother's suggestion of ginger honey teas and steam inhalation don't really work for the chronic cough, which triggers every time I breathe the car-exhaust pipe equivalent air.

The next response to high (and in India, we have insanely high) pollution is coughing. Mucous production overdrive leads to lung congestion and chronic coughing, sneezing, wheezing, which in turn puts a strain on the heart. Have you ever coughed your lungs out for two minutes, and then observed your heart beating fast? Now, cough 10 or 20 times a day, and keep on doing that for seven to 10 days or 30 to 60 days with North Indian pollution-led chronic cold symptoms, and you are talking about some serious heat stress.

The heart symptoms start with fast beats and pounding, like you just ran a race, except that you just walked a few steps in a gas chamber. This is followed by chest discomfort, severe shortness of breath, weakness, and ultimately a cardiac arrest or heart failure. In older age groups, where hearts are already slightly weaker with age, the probabilities increase significantly.

As I write with a cardiac pain of 3.5/10 (three days since Sunday wherein PM 2.5 conc. has improved from 501 to 128 ug/m3), I wonder what record levels of pollution and exposure that trigger such extreme events would catch the serious attention of Indian citizens, the government, and the private sector.

In the meanwhile, complacency, ignorance, indifference, and inaction are the status quo. Imagine what is happening to the lungs and hearts of millions of coughing, wheezing, breathing children of our nation? How long will we ignore death certificates that have air pollution written clearly on them, for lack of a simple statistical calculation?

There are policies and programmes to deal with air pollution. But there are issues with their management.



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