Find your purpose

Update: 2023-05-14 00:17 IST

Find your purpose

Imagine a situation where you are travelling in a car to some destination. Now if the destination is unknown and you are not sure of the direction that you are heading initially you may simply enjoy the car ride and feel happy. But slowly this joyride will soon become a source of anxiety and cause you to be worried because of not knowing which way and where to go. But on the other hand if you are sure of your destination then no matter which direction you took or where you went you would be certain of the end goal. This knowledge will fill you with a sense of peace and confidence.


Purpose grounds you

Without knowing where your life is headed it becomes impossible to figure out what your next move should be. Which way are you going to steer the course of your life if you are unable to chart out the map of your journey. This state of uncertainty will always keep you on edge and fill you with anxiety for the future. And even if you are experiencing a good time in your life you will be unable to enjoy this experience because of your fears and concerns regarding the future. On the contrary when you are sure about where you are going and what you should be doing then life becomes a joyful experience filled with purpose meaning and happiness. And this sense of purpose will in fact hold you in good stead even during rocky times of your life. A sense of purpose will keep your focus on the goal and you can continue on your journey relatively unperturbed by the fluctuating circumstances of your life.

Choose your unique path

This is why it becomes supremely important to find out the purpose of your life as it can make your life feel meaningful and wholesome. Everybody will have a different path ahead of them therefore it is not crucial that we all wind up doing the same thing at the same time. The purpose or the goal will determine what actions we take and when we take them in order to fulfil our destiny of achieving that purpose. Not everybody needs to become a doctor or an engineer or a scientist. Choose your goal in life depending on your desires and interests. If you are drawn towards the arts than you can take up music, dance or any other art; if your interest lies in the legal system then you can pursue the profession of becoming a lawyer and so on and so forth.

Practise mindfulness

Working towards the specific goal becomes a purpose and not having any goal is also a purpose in itself. What truly does matter at the end of the day is that no matter what you choose your heart must be at peace and you should feel content with your life. If you are interested in having a specific life goal then your next task will be to go about finding out what it is. And to do this you can start practicing meditation and lead a mindful life. Start spending time with yourself and give yourself compassion and kindness accepting the situation. Through the process of self talk, meditation etc you will be able to recognise what life has in store for you and how you should go about fulfilling this purpose. 



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