Easter Day 2020: Yummy 'Sugar Cream Pie' For Your Easter Celebrations

Update: 2020-04-12 13:44 IST
Sugar Cream Pie

Being the holy day for all the Christians, people celebrate it with utmost happiness and also offer prayers for their well-being. Easter Day is considered as a win over the sin and thus we all need to pray Lord Jesus to make the whole world free from the deadly Coronavirus.

Easter Day is also known for its yummy and special dishes… So, we Hans India have come up with a special 'Sugar Cream Pie' recipe for our readers to escalate their happiness with the amazing dish… Have a look!


Ingredients Needed

• 1 cup Sugar

• ¼ cup Cornstarch

• 2 cups Milk

• ½ cup Butter

• 1 tsp Vanilla extract

• ¼ tsp grounded Cinnamon


• First, prepare the pie crust with the flour. Place it on the baking tray and add that perfect shape with pressing it with a fork.

• Then put the pan on the stove and add sugar, cornstarch and milk. Mix them well and bring it to boil. Cook for 20 minutes until becomes thick and bubbly.

• Spoon out the concoction and add butter and vanilla extract. Mix well and pour the pie concoction on to the baking tray. Also, sprinkle cinnamon powder on the top.

• Bake for almost 15-20 minutes @ 375 degrees. Then you will witness the yummy pie made of sugar and butter…

Garnish the pie with cinnamon powder and sugar powder… It is definitely a yummy treat on this Easter day!!!

Happy Easter Day… Stay safe and stay away from Corona!!! 



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