Maha Shivratri 2023: Vrat recipe, Learn to prepare Sabudana vada

Update: 2023-02-18 16:30 IST

During Maha shivratri, sabudana vada is prepared.

 Vrat dishes are prepared, during the festival of Maha shivratri.

Sabudana Vada is one of the vrat recipe, prepared during Maha shivratri.

Ingredients needed to prepare Sabudana Vada

One cup sabudana(soaked)

Half cup peanuts (grounded)

One teaspoon green chillies

One teaspoon salt

One teaspoon red chilli powdet

One cup potatoes (boiled)

One tablespoon coriander leaves


One tablespoon lemon juice

Curd to serve along

Steps to follow to prepare Sabudana Vada

First step, take soaked sabudana in a bowl ( you can soak sabudana in water for about 4 to 6 hours )

Second step, add ground peanuts to it, along with green chillies, salt, red chilli powder, boiled potatoes, coriander leaves and lemon juice.

Mash and mix the ingredients thoroughly to make a thick mixture

You need to make small, round, tikki like balls of the mixture

Put these balls in hot oil for deep frying

You need to fry them until the sabudana vada turns to golden brown

Serve the sabudana vada along with the curd.



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