Thai Pineapple Fried Rice

Update: 2022-06-17 20:00 IST

Do not throw the pineapple shells, they make good substitutes for plates.

If you like have pineapple on your pizza, then definitely you would fall in love with this recipe.

First step: learning to cut the pineapple

Cutting pineapple can be daunting task, sometimes, you may end up with minor injuries, so be careful while cutting the pineapple. You must cut the pineapple lengthwise in half and shave off a thing layer of the outer layer, so it is balanced on the flat surface. Cut up the interior of the pineapple into cubes and simple scoop out these cubes using the spoon. Do not throw the pineapple shells, they make good substitutes for plates.


How to prepare Pineapple Fried Rice?

Similar like other rice recipe, this recipe will not take much time to prepare, one can start with essential like oil, ginger, garlic, bird's eye chilli, onions and celery in hot wok.

Add vegies or meat, that's your choice and add the pineapple cubes. Season the fried rice with turmeric, salt, chilli powder and white pepper. While preparing the fried rice, do not hesitate to add the juice that oozes out the pineapple when you are cutting it.

The presentation

You can spoon in the pine apple fried rice in the pineapple boats (the remains after we cut the cubes), it would look really good. One need not have surgical precision or anything to do this. After filling the fried rice, garnish it with spring onion and serve this tropical feast

Some of the tips, one can follow while preparing the Thai Pineapple Fried Rice are

1. It is best use old rice for fried rice, for fresh rice, make sure the rice is properly aired out and refrigerated for a while, so that it dries a bit.

2. Cut cubes and keep them ready

3. Slice garlic cloves thinly which would help them cook evenly plus garlic chips are amazing

4. Finely chop onions, spring onions, celery, green chillies and other ingredients you wish to add.

5. Keep the ingredients such as soya sauce, rice vinegar and sesame oil measured and ready



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