Friday Thoughts: This Too Shall Pass

Update: 2020-05-29 12:02 IST
Friday Thoughts: Ever since the deadly virus forced people indoors and turned our lives upside down, we have lost track of time. At times we don't remember the day as every day feels the same. The routine is more or less set and everybody's going about their business from the confines of their homes.

For all those who have been bored and not been feeling good lately because of the lockdown, here's hope.


Do you know today is Friday? I guess the major chunk of the population that works 5 days a week is aware of this. I am sure you are looking forward to the weekend. Even though weekend fun is not the same anymore, you could do a host of other activities. Pray together, have at least one meal together, watch a comedy show with the entire family, talk about the plans for next week. So isnt there a lot to do than binge-watch Netflix shows?

Remember when we go to sleep every day we think of a few things that have to be done tomorrow. So tomorrow brings hope. We all believe that tomorrow is always better and the days ahead will bring respite from all that is causing misery right now. Like they say, this too shall pass because change is the only constant.  



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