Greet your favourite mentors with these thoughtful gifts on Teachers' Day

Update: 2023-09-04 21:01 IST

Not too long ago, the only gift you could think of greeting your favourite teacher with on Teachers' Day, was possibly a hurriedly put-together bouquet but this year, maybe a little thought and care can be invested in this gesture. Here are a few ideas that can convey your respect for your mentors and also your love for the planet.

Gift a tree sapling  


Dedicate a tree to your teacher with just a click on the website of social organisation and do your bit to expand India's green cover as well. Choose from various projects that nurture wildlife habitats and tribal communities and not only will you memorialise your gratitude to a teacher, you will also invest in the health and well-being of the environment. Once you log on to the website, all you need to do is to fill out your details and dedicate a tree or many to someone special. You can also personalise this gesture by adding a picture from your album, along with a customised message to your teacher on the eTreeCertificate®.  

Go for a handmade or personalized gift

Let us just face it. Digital greetings just don't cut it and don't have the warmth of a hand-written note or a card you have made yourself.  If you are artistically inclined, a small canvas on a mini easel, a hand-painted bag, and a couple of book marks can make your teacher really appreciated. Or you can give a personalised screen-printed mug, a wooden photo frame with a picture of the class, or a  set of bamboo pens and handmade paper with a note of thanks.  

Choose gifts that are literally green

Why not think green and gift green as well?  A terrarium for instance  is a beautiful gift that can be kept indoors and will soothe the senses with its thriving little verdant world. Potted plants that can thrive indoors like money plant, lucky bamboo, snake plant, jade plant and spider plant when coupled with lovely terracotta and ceramic pots can uplift anyone with their oxygenating qualities and refreshing loveliness. 

Choose soy candles

Most candles available in the market are made of paraffin but a soy candle in a pretty jar can not only light up a dark corner, it is also soothing and non-toxic. Go for candles with simple fragrances like vanilla, lemongrass and rose, and then make a gift  hamper with potpourri and some essential oils. Candles are also easy to make but  all precautions must be taken while handling melted wax as it can burn the skin and burst into flames if heated beyond a certain temperature. 

Look for vintage books

If your teacher loves to read, why not choose a vintage edition of a book penned by their favourite author?   You could also rummage through book shops to find rare journals that are no longer in the publication or even gift them the subscription of a literary journal. Old books have a charm of their own and a true reader appreciates their value so don't be afraid to gift a book that was published decades ago and is now waiting to be discovered by a new reader. Place a few of your handmade bookmarks in between the pages and you have the perfect gift for Teachers' Day. 



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