COVID-19 Fitness & Wellness Tips

Update: 2020-04-21 12:06 IST
Nawaz Modi Singhania is the founder of Body Art Fitness Centres

[Stay at home COVID-19 lockdown days Partner Workout]

Nawaz Modi Singhania is the founder of Body Art Fitness Centres, a chain of gyms in South Mumbai. Since 1992, Body Art is dominating the position of one of the best gyms in South Mumbai with its sea-facing centre on Marine Drive & in the heart of town at Hughes Road. Also regarded as one of the best gyms in North Mumbai, Body Art has two centres located at Upper Juhu Circle and in Thane. Aside from the basic gym offering, Body Art has a wide range of fitness services available which is how they set themselves apart from the rest as the best gym in Mumbai.


Nawaz Modi Singhania, in her capacity as India's leading fitness and wellness icon, suggests some indispensable tips during COVID-19. Nawaz suggests that now that PM Modi has declared a second total lockdown up until the 3 May 2020, it is in everyone's best interest to stay in their homes and contribute towards our nation's fight against the novel coronavirus. While these tips are not to distract from the dire need for following personal hygiene, considering recommended social distancing protocols and the need for staying at home, Body Art's founder Nawaz Modi Singhania touches upon a few pointers to help us along this difficult path over the current times.

Top of mind these days for everyone, not only in India but globally, is staying healthy, keeping the immunity of our body up, making sure we don't lose our fitness levels, don't gain weight and suffer health loss. It makes us all very nervous to think we may need a doctor or a clinic or hospitals at this time, quite understandably, since that is where we will be more exposed to this deadly virus.

To keep your immunity high, eat healthy - lots of different fruits and vegetables help. Specific immunity building vegetables - such as spinach, broccoli & onions, and immune building spices and herbs - such as garlic, ginger, turmeric, can in themselves make a complete dish which can be served to the whole family. No arguments then with children about whether they like it or not - this is what is made today for today's meal and this is what everyone has to eat. Topic over.

Exercise to maintain your health, weight, immunity and fitness levels:

Mental, emotional & psychological fitness are all extremely important. These are uncertain, difficult, fear-filled times, and we need to be very careful not to fall into any sort of negativity or depression. After all, as the saying goes, battles are not won on the battlefield. Battles are won, or lost, in the mind. After all, everything starts from here. Everything in our life that we first conceptualized or intended started from our minds - from who and how we are, to the job we do, to the person we married, to the children we have, to those we choose to keep close to us, etc. Our intentions become our thoughts. Our thoughts become our words. Our words become our deeds. These then manifest into reality. So to survive and win in this COVID-19 situation, we need to be extremely careful about what we allow into our minds.

Exercise releases happy hormones:

Endorphins, serotonin, dopamine – They are very powerful anti-depressants. Exercise like your life depends upon it; which now, in a very large way actually does. Can't access your gym or the outdoors for a walk? It does not matter. There are many things you can do in the confines and safety of your own home to stay fit. Floor exercises, bodyweight exercises, functional fitness, yoga, stretching, using household furniture - like a desk, a chair or a bed, to create exercises around, substitute small exercise equipment – if you don't have weights at home use large bottles of water or books if you don't have an exercise band use a knotted up dupatta or scarf. If you don't have an exercise mat use a towel. Even a wall can be an important piece of equipment to get a full-body workout on. Where there is a will, there is a way. Power yoga at home can give you a good cardio component also. Pranayams or other breathing exercises will keep the respiratory system strong. For instructional videos, tune into Body Art's founder Nawaz Modi Singhania's Instagram: @nawazbodyartmumbai

A couple of other tips:

• Getting good quality and quantity sleep is critical to the body's immunity, health and well-being.

• Drink at least 2 litres of water every day.

. Do it on a regimented basis - as if you are taking medication!

[Stay at home COVID-19 lockdown freehand exercises]

One more thing I'd like to caution you about – I find that a lot of people have been drinking alcohol during this time. Maybe because of boredom, depression, wanting to put their mind in an alternate state for temporary relief, or whatever it is. Please be aware that alcohol is a depressant, which will only make matters worse for you. Alcohol also suppresses the immune system – which is another big problem. Alcohol is very dehydrating which is a third major issue. Lastly, we all don't want to unknowingly condition ourselves into becoming alcoholics, now do we?

Our biggest ally that will see us through this time is going to be our mind. Patience, awareness, intelligence and wisdom - these are your greatest weapons in this war against COVID. It's really important to use them very well, for our sake, the sake of our family, loved ones and society as well at large. We are all in this together. Stay at home. Follow all safety protocols. We are all now well aware of what they are. Stay safe.

It will help to focus on positive activities like take up a course online - many of them are now free of cost - from even top Ivy League universities. Learn a skill, a new language online, Paint, read a book, watch films or educational documentaries, play games with family members. There is so much that you may have wanted to do in earlier times when you felt you were too busy and time did not permit it. Use that time now in a constructive way. 

by the Founder of Body Art Fitness Centres



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