Diabetes can damage nervous system

Update: 2023-05-16 23:25 IST

Diabetes can damage nervous system

Diabetes is a widely prevalent lifestyle disease affecting the brain, spinal cord and nerves. Early diagnosis, a scrupulous diet, and precise medication will mitigate side effects.


Type 1– Children, insulin dependent.

Type 2— Adults, non-insulin dependent.


Diabetes is a growing challenge in India from 40.9 million in 2007 to72.9


Millions in 2017, the latest tally in 2020 is 77 million while 463 million world over.

WHO estimates are 8.7% diabetic population in 20–70 years of age in India. Telugu states outnumbering the national average of 2.85% to a staggering 4.69%

Age distribution:

Affects adults & children

• High-stress levels, Decreased physical activity, obesity, increased salt intake, low consumption of vegetables, fruits, alcohol, smoking and pollution.

• The long-standing perception that diabetes’s side effect is peripheral neuropathy largely is incorrect.

Factually diabetes affects all three divisions of the nervous system-children specifics:-

• Body unable to produce insulin

• Often manifest in school-going age, sometimes in the newborn period

• Developing cns affected, hence florid neuro complications

Causes in children:

1. Body’s immune system mistakenly fights pancreatic cells producing insulin (autoimmune) —commonest.

2. Genetics— increased by certain variants HLA-DQA1, HLA- DQB1, and HLADRB1 genes.

3. Environmental factors.

4. Family history: if the father has type1diabetes chances for the child 1 in 17, the mother before 25 age, 1 in 25, and above 25, 1 in 100.

5. Caucasian race.

6. Exposure to viruses.

7. Natives of Finland, Sardinia.

8. Age of 4-6 or 10-14.

Hard facts about Type 1 DM

1. Chronic condition, only 5% of total diabetics, blood sugars abnormally high, insulin dependent, children can lead normal & healthy life with regular insulin and blood sugars control


1. Learning and memory affected.

2. Grey matter+ white matter volume changes, poor memory, attention.

3. Sleep alterations—poor sleep, sudden awakening Midsleep, Restless leg syndrome.

4. Depression & behavioural alterations, mood swings.

5. Diarrhea, nausea, and indigestion.

6. Autonomic neuropathy: low BP, sweating, tachycardia, poor urinary control.

7. Peripheral neuropathy rare.

8. Prolonged coma.

9. Quadriplegia.

10. Muscle damage.


MRI brain +spine, EEG, Nerve conductions, Electromyography, Blood sugars -fasting & post lunch, HBA1c , Doppler study for arterial system


Insulin, oral ant diabetics, antiepi leptics, medicines for brain swelling, diabetic diet,6-8 hours daily sleep, walking at least 30 minutes daily, antidepressants, analgesics. “ Tail Piece”

1. Maintaining blood sugars within the target is the key.

2 Srict diet, medicines & life style modifications mandatory.

3. Never skip doctor visits.

4 Living with diabetes —the new norm.

5. Indifference towards diabetes could be dangerous and inviting trouble.

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