Explained: Why Indian Doctors Warn Against Usage of Cow Dung for Covid Cure?

Update: 2021-05-11 16:41 IST

Why Indian Doctors Warn Against Usage of Cow Dung for Covid Cure?

We Indians sometimes follow few practices, which may not have scientific evidence, but still we have strong beliefs, that it can help us get rid of danger and save our lives. It can do wonders and even though there has been no research or study to prove the same, but we have a strong gut feeling, it can greatly help. In current scenario, our nation is in severe crisis due to ongoing second wave of Carona, it has come to light recently, that people have been applying cow dung all over their body, thinking that, it would save them from the deadly infectious virus, Corona. They strongly believe, it can help ward away Covid-19 and it will boost their immunity level.


What is the cause of worry to Doctors?

Doctors in India are worried about this practice and some people are having false belief that, by applying cow dung all over the body, you will not get affected by Carona and you will able to save your life. They say there is no evidence to prove its effectiveness and this practice would further risk spreading other disease as well. The people who believe this could help them are also endorsing this practice to others, which might not help others but it could put them as well as others in danger.

India's Corona Cases surge

The 2nd wave of Corona has brought the nation into crisis; many states are going into lockdown mode. As per the Union Heath Ministry, India on Monday has reported around 3,66,161 new Covid -19 cases during the last 24 hours after it has been reporting above 4 lakh daily Coronavirus infection for the 4th day on the trot. With this, we find the cumulative national tally with regards to infections is around 2,26,62,575 .

What Expert say?

The experts state that, the actual numbers might be more than 5 to 10 times higher and the people across the nation are struggling to find hospital bed for their loved ones. Similarly, those patients who do not require hospitalization, even they are finding difficulty getting right medicines and some of the patients are dyeing due to shortage of oxygen. Many are in panic mode that, if their loved ones become ill, will they be able to get proper treatment or would their loves die due to of lack of treatment. All this are leading to emotional stress among the people in India.

What is happening in Gujarat?

People in Gujarat, in western India, some believers have been visiting cow shelters at least once a week and covering their bodies in cow dung and urine. You may be wondering, why? They believe this would boost their body's immunity level high, so Corona will not touch them or even if it does, they will be able to recover from Coronavirus, if they follow this practice.

In Hinduism, Cow is sacred symbol

In Hinduism, the cow is a sacred symbol of life; it is also symbol of the earth, the ever-giving, the nourisher and undemanding provider. For centuries, people in India, since ancient period have been using cow dung to clean their home, they also use it while conducting pooja's and holy rituals. They strongly believe Cow dung has strong therapeutic as well as antiseptic properties.

Cow Shelters attracting People

In Cow shelters, it has noticed not all, but few Doctors, have also been visiting these places, they believe this therapy, of applying cow dung on their body, would improve their immunity and they can attend their patients without any fear, stated Gautam Manilla Borisa, an associate manager at a pharmaceutical company. He further added, this practice has helped him recover Covid-19 last year. Since then, he has been regularly visiting Shree Swaminaryan Gurukul Vishwavidya Pratishthanam, this is school, which is operated by the Hindu monks, this lies just across the road from the Indian Headquarters of Zydus Cadila (CADI.NS) which is also developing its own Covid-19 vaccine.

Cow shelters laying restrictions

There also concerns about this practice may contribute to the spread of virus because people tend to gather in group, hence Madhucharan Das; he is in incharge for another cow shelter in Ahmedabad has stated that they were limiting the number of participants to avoid the spread of the virus.

Minister asking to adopt the Vedic lifestyle

In the month of March, Usha Thakur, the Madhya Pradhesh Culture Minister has stressed the need to adopt a Vedic lifestyle to protect oneself from this deadly life threatening virus, Corona. She has claimed that "havan" (the ritual burning of cow dung) cake can help keep a house sanitized for about 12 hours. She also stated that her advice might appear strange to the people, but this one tip can help keep people houses sanitized, this not imaginary, this is science, she has made claims.

Minister stating Carona cannot infect them

The Madhya Pradhesh Minister Imarti Devi believe's that, she has very good immune system, her body can easily fight against this deadly infection because of the fact, that she was born in mitti (mud) and Gobar(cow dung). Carona cannot come to me. Imarti Devi, is Minister of Women and Force Development of the State, these words, she has said, angrily, while she was addressing to the media about rumors, that she was tested positive for this, virus infection earlier this month. She was not wearing the mask properly, it was hanging by her chin, and the minister stated that she was wearing it forcefully.

MLA's are endorsing people to drink Cow urine

Doctors have repeatedly stressing not follow these practices, but still people in power are endorsing it. In the month of May, BJP MLA, who is from Uttar Pradesh, has a different cure for Corona that is Cow urine. Surendra Singh, MLA from Bairia, in Ballia district has called people to drink cow urine (gaumutra) because he believes it would defeat Covid19. He has also put up a video of himself, drinking the "gaumutra". This video has become viral; in the video, the Singh can be seen demonstrating as to how exactly the cow urine must be consumed.

People waiting for their turn, to get cow dung & Urine

People wait for the turn, so that they can get cow dung as well urine mixture, which they can apply it on their bodies to dry, they also tend to hug or honor the cows living in the cow shelter. That's not all; they also tend to practice yoga to boost their energy levels. Once the pack is dried, they wash it off using either milk or buttermilk.

Repeated warning from Doctors & Scientists

Yes, true both doctor's as well as scientist's not only in India but across the world, they have been repeatedly warning people against practicing any alternative treatment for Corona, stating that this could lead them to have a false sense of security and it could further complicate their health problems. It also puts their lives at risk.

Is there concrete scientific evidence cow dung is effective against Corona?

According DR. JA Jayalal, national President at the Indian Medical Association, he has stated, there is no concrete scientific evidence proving that cow dung or urine would boost the immunity levels against Covid-19.

Is there health risk by following this practice?

Yes, there is also a health risk involved in following this practice, by smearing or consuming cow dung or urine, other disease can spread from animals to humans.



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