Reasons behind Hot Flashes during the Period

Update: 2019-07-16 09:41 IST

They can last a couple of seconds or go on for a couple of minutes. Other symptoms include: red, flushed skin increased extreme heart rate sweating chills as the hot flash passes Most people associate hot flashes with menopause, but they may also occur as part of your menstrual cycle well before menopause is reached. While they may sometimes indicate an underlying health issue, hot flashes are usually nothing to worry about if other symptoms do not accompany them.


Read on to learn more during your period about hot flashes, including why they happen, when they may indicate early menopause, how to manage them, and when to see a doctor.

Why are they going to happen? Hot flashes are most likely due to changes in your body's hormone levels. For example, both the levels of estrogen and progesterone plummet during menopause. This is why hot flashes are commonly experienced in perimenopause or menopause.

WHAT IS PERIMENOPAUSE? Perimenopause typically occurs in your 40s, but in your mid- to late 30s it can also occur. Similar hormonal changes also occur throughout your menstrual cycle, causing some people to experience symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), including hot flashes. Progesterone levels increase after you ovulate around the 14th day of your cycle. This may cause your body temperature to rise slightly, although you may not notice it. As the levels of progesterone rise, the levels of estrogen drop. This decrease can affect your hypothalamus function, the part of your brain that maintains stable body temperature.

Your brain releases norepinephrine and other hormones in response to lower levels of estrogen, which can make your brain even more sensitive to minor changes in body temperature. As a result, it can send signals telling your body to sweat so that you can cool off, even if you don't have to. Could the menopause be early? While hot flashes for some may be a normal PMS symptom, they may be a sign of early menopause in others, now known as primary ovarian insufficiency (POI). Earlier than your mid-40s to 50s, POI causes symptoms of menopause when menopause usually occurs. Despite the condition's name, experts have found evidence that ovaries may still work with POI, but this function is unpredictable. POI symptoms may include: rare and irregular hot flashes or night sweats mood changes trouble concentrating less interest in sex pain during sex vaginal dryness POI not only increases your risk of heart disease and bone fractures but often leads to infertility as well. If you have POI symptoms and know that you may want to have kids, it's a good idea to tell your health care provider about your symptoms as soon as possible. Getting POI treatment might help to increase your chances of getting pregnant in the future. Could they be caused by something else? Hot flashes during your period may, in some cases, be a sign of a different medical problem or side effects of medication.

Possible underlying causes of non-menopause hot flashes include infections, including mild or common infections, as well as more serious infections, such as tuberculosis or thyroid endocarditis, including hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, or thyroid cancer HIV low testosterone alcohol use tumor disorder in your pituitary gland or hypothalamus cancer and cancer treatment Anxiety and s. For example, due to an adrenaline rush, which often accompanies an anxiety or stress response, you may experience flushed skin, increased heart rate, and increased sweating.

You may also get hot flashes as a side effect of some drugs, including nifedipine nitroglycerin niacin vancomycin calcitonin Is there any way to manage them? Hot flashes can be uncomfortable, but you can try to make them more bearable: changes in diet. Reduce on caffeine, alcohol (particularly red wine), spicy foods, aged cheese, and chocolate.

These foods and drinks can cause hot flashes and may make them worse as well. Kick the custom. Try not to smoke. Smoking can make hot flashes higher and harder. Relax. Practice deep breathing, yoga, and meditation relaxation techniques. Making yourself more relaxed may not impact your hot flashes directly, but they may help make them easier to manage and help improve your quality of life. Hydrate. Keep cool water with you all day long and drink it when a hot flash comes on. Exercise. Make time for the most days of exercise. Getting enough exercise can give you a number of health benefits and can help you get fewer hot flashes. Experiment with acupuncture.

For some people, acupuncture helps with hot flashes, although for everyone it may not work. Take soy. Soy contains phytoestrogens, a chemical that works in your body like estrogen.

Further research is needed, but soy eating can help to reduce hot flashes. It may also help other dietary supplements. Use layers. By dressing in layers, stay cool. Choose breathable, lightweight fabrics like cotton. If possible, stay cool with fans and open windows in your home and work environment. Store your refrigerator. Keep a small chilled towel in your fridge to place when you have a hot flash on your face or around your neck. You can also use the same effect with a cool washcloth or cold compress. Medical treatments such as hormone replacement therapy and low-dose antidepressants may also be useful in treating hot flashes. You may want to talk to your doctor about possible treatment options if you get frequent or severe hot flashes that have a negative impact on your daily life.

Do I need to see a doctor? If you only have hot flashes just before the start of your period or if you have your period and you don't have any other unusual symptoms, you probably don't have to worry too much. Still, just to be sure, it might be worth following up with your healthcare provider. In some cases, a serious condition may be indicated by hot flashes.

Talk to your health care provider if you get regular hot flashes along with appetite changes trouble sleeping fever unexplained weight loss unexplained rash swollen lymph nodes You may also consider talking to a therapist, especially if hot flashes cause mood changes or increase anxiety or stress feelings.

A 2014 study Trusted Source of 140 women with hot flashes or night sweats found evidence suggesting cognitive behavioral therapy may help improve the negative impact of hot flashes.



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