How Major Eclipses work on your Sun Sign's & your life - Astrology

Update: 2019-07-03 14:55 IST

Here's What Two MAJOR Eclipses Mean For Your Sign Two eclipses in a month sound's terrifying, but it's all good! Promise. The season of the eclipse! This week we have a solar eclipse in Cancer and just on the horizon a lunar eclipse in Capricorn's sign. It is time to buckle up, as for months the effects of these heavenly events reverberate.

On July 2nd, as the New Moon in Cancer passes between the Earth and the Sun, a total solar eclipse forms. Think of this as a galactic computer reboot. In the Cancer-ruled part of your chart, you can expect new beginnings. Hear what's coming up and set the year's solid intentions.


A Full Moon in Capricorn then moves into the shadow of Earth on July 16th, creating a partial lunar eclipse. If solar eclipses involve new beginnings, lunar eclipses signal closure, and culmination. Most impacted are the areas of your chart ruled by Capricorn, the zodiac's ultra-professional taskmaster. This eclipse is more like a checkpoint—it prompts you to release and let go of something that no longer serves you.


Aries, You love momentum forward. But sometimes, in order to move forward, you have to look back and these eclipses want you to slow down and reconnect with your roots. Take a step back and adapt to your past interests and passions—ironically, it can really help you move forward in your career and find out what you really want to do with your life!


Taurus Take a good look around, as with these eclipses, your community life is being prepared for a reboot. Release lavish dreams, 'grammable vacations that you can't afford right now (as well as any envy from those who can) and focus on where you're right now. Celebrate your own home and don't take it for granted either.


Gemini Get the bread! These eclipses boost your finances, so it's time to step into your own power to make money. Look for a clever, innovative form of income and dump financial muddling that does not align with your ultra-high standards. That means ending up leaving that job you really hate sorta-kinda for something new. It's time for that.


Cancer What's in the mirror you see? You need to give a response to this eclipse season that affirms your individuality and autonomy. Get the new haircut, strut down the street, and take one or two selfies (or 17). In addition, say goodbye to romantic partners or friendships that don't affirm you or make you feel bad about getting bangs.


Leo It is time for a spiritual journey to be deeper. If you're curious about tarot or have your birth chart read, these eclipses say go for it (seriously, your birthday/season is coming up, a perfect reason to splurge!). Forget about the drudgery of everyday details—sometimes you need to zoom out to see your kingdom in all its glory of high-vibe.


Virgo Everyone knows how much you love your time alone, but there are people in your life right now who really want to get to know you better and pick your brain a little bit. The world needs your wisdom, so dissolve those headphones and challenge yourself to talk more. Could come out of it some really great new friends!


Libra Update the summary. Your justice-oriented mind is inspiring, and the stars want you to embroider this energy into new career opportunities. Whether you are performing a cool role in your current job or moving to a more fulfilling field, this time it's all about realizing your maximum potential.


Scorpio You're swimming a LOT in the depths of your own mind. These eclipses want you to take risks and travel further. Take that class of philosophy, book a brand new trip somewhere, or re-examine all of your greatest values. July is all about leaving in every way your comfort zone.


Sagittarius Feeling a little shaken up? The eclipses are stirring the bottom of your sea where you can find some strange and magical treasures as well as the problems you can't shake. Ditch this month's DIY attitude and accept some help, especially on financial issues. Literally, your friends and family always want your back—let them!


Capricorn Softening is time! Well, literally the whole time you've been alive for a while now, and it's time to slow down and enjoy the other important things in life besides your career. The moment you shed some of that workaholic vibe, Aka may come up with a budding social life or a new romance.


Aquarius Don't forget about your body and soul, it's time to revolutionize your self-care. Before you can help others, you must show up for yourself. Ditch any habit that doesn't add to your wellness and embrace yoga, meditation, or the new class of fitness you've been itching to try. Or just, honestly, take more naps. Whatever makes you feel more relaxed!


July Fishes is your time to shine! Start a new creative project if you're artistically inclined and don't be afraid to be a little "me meme" about it all. Stop hiding in the shadows and let your queen shine inside. This month, all your eyes are on you—in a good way!



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