How to Prepare for Omicron Wave? Watch out For Omicron Symptoms

Update: 2022-01-06 18:37 IST

The exponential rise of Omicron cases in India is indeed a thing of concern amongst the healthcare departments now. And the doctors and healthcare experts are stressing on following the covid appropriate protocol and vaccination as the main sources of shield to save us from this variant. Masking, social distancing, hand washing, avoiding large crowds specially in the weakly ventilated indoor areas are ways to prevent the spread of virus along with aggressive vaccination protocols. Tracking, isolating and taking the other necessary containment measures are equally the need of the hour.


Although it is said that omicron is less virulent than delta, the infection rate is higher than the previous one. And this is why it is putting a lot of pressure in the healthcare infrastructure. As children have not been vaccinated, it is another cause of worry and there has to be a proper backup in the paediatric care.

Watch out for scratchy and sore throat, headache, body ache, fever and fatigue. Self medication is never advised but generally speaking, warm salt water and betadine gargling for sore throat, paracetamol for pain and mild fever can be useful medications at home. It is wise to have a thermometer and pulse oximeter at home to check the temperature and pulse rate in case of any such symptoms.



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