Iconic Barbie diversifies it's new range, includes dolls without hair and vitiligo

Update: 2020-01-30 22:31 IST

Every little girl has grown up playing with a doll from Barbie, but only a few can relate to her physical attributes. Pretty, blonde, blue-eyed with a super clinched waist– a definition that includes just about 2 per cent of girls around the world. Barbie also had to change with changing times, and build dolls with which everyone could connect.

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Barbie recently announced that many inclusive dolls will be launched that will cover different physical dimensions. Their range of diversity will include a hairless doll and one that has skin condition called vitiligo. Mattel, the company behind the creation of the product said that a prototype of the vitiligo toy, which debuted on the Barbie Instagram page last year, became its most liked post, convincing them to become more inclusive about beauty.

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Last year, the company had introduced a doll with a prosthetic limb and alopecia. This year, they plan to launch other dolls with no hair, darker complexion and the Ken doll with long locks instead of his signature short hair.



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