International Women's Day 2020:This Women's day 3 Kinds of women you would like to spend with

Update: 2020-03-07 14:14 IST
International Women’s Day 2020

It's time we actually surrounded by women who bring more sense and fun to our lives. Women who not only help us achieve our dreams but also help us see the learning and step forward, even if we lose. So We bring up the 3 kinds of females you need to associate oneself with this women's day.

The Cheerful one

There are days when you are not the best version of yourself or when you can't think in a positive light about yourself. Days where you can't remember how far you've come, or what you've done. This is the time when you need someone to help you remember your trip, shed light on what you've done, and help you stay on road.


I have been dealing with weight loss for the past ten years. I met my current dietician, after going to several dietitians and trying to lose weight. "I am a food addict and there's no way to mask it with sugar. It's a huge part of me and I need someone who knows that." Her response was warm-hearted, "It's all right, we're going to take it easy. Even if you're cheating on the diet, it's okay but one thing I'm going to be careful about is your food log. You have to give me at the end of the day what all you have eaten and at what time. "I also ended up stealing for the first three days. But instead of getting angry, all that she said was," Great going! Today you stole in less than yesterday! Let's bring a handful of extra changes to your diet, and see if you're still tempted to cheat. "Now, wouldn't we like such a woman in all aspects of our lives? Someone who is open-minded, who knows us and who gives us the courage to move through our challenges at the same time?

The Diva of Ambitious

This woman knew what she wanted and doesn't fear to go after her. She's someone who's self-assured, who doesn't guess second because she knows her job and the structure she's working in, just like the back of her hand. She knows its qualities and uses them to make up for its shortcomings. And you need the woman to be your mentor in your life. To give you the fearlessness you can go on within your life. She will help you grow in your career by letting you know the pluses and minuses of the work you may want to take on, or how to manage a situation when something comes up. This is why you need someone who can coach you for your career and whose passion for work equally drives you to have an amazing career.

Crime partner

I'm not actually speaking, but sure, you need to have some women who are going to be your partners in crime. These are the people you're having fun with and trying new things out with: whether it's a book club or laser tag, they're there to help you have new experiences and help you lead a happier life. We are the support system you have and the ones that have your back. Such women can be your best friends, your wives at work or your relatives.

Life has a wonderful way to give us beautiful women! All who inspire us, respect us, have fun with us and, most importantly, help us to be the best version of ourselves while feeling relaxed in our skin. Cheers, our lives to all women! 



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