Monday Motivation: Begin Your Week On A Positive Note

Update: 2020-06-01 00:15 IST
Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: Every morning you wake up with a frown. I understand there's a lot on your mind. Now this lockdown too has turned your lives upside down. I mean our routines have changed for sure. We are not waking up at the same time, at least most of us aren't, late breakfast, then sit down to work followed by a quick lunch if time permits and then back to zoom calls. Sounds familiar? Yes. So how could you possibly think of anything positive, you ask? Well, here's the deal.


Why not start the day with good music or prayers whichever suits you? Each one us has different tastes, our wants and desires, a sense of satisfaction too varies. So why not do something that makes us happy? That way you set the mood for the entire week.

Positivity doesn't happen overnight. Thinking positive is a habit that comes with practice. But like they say your thoughts can come true. Have you often heard elders say "shubh shubh bolo" or "say something nice" when you express doubt about the day going good for you? That's what it is all about.

When you think a lot about how things are going to go wrong for you during the course of the day, how it's going to be a bad week for you as you have loads of work to do or how finishing a project before deadline seems impossible, you are not going yourself any favour.

Let me give you an example. You had to reach office by 9 for an important meeting with your boss. But somehow since the time you woke up you had this feeling that you were not going to make it on time because you got delayed in the traffic on road. Sure enough, you get what you wished for you do end up reaching office late and to make matters worse you got delayed at home too because you spilled coffee on your pressed clothes and you spent an extra minute and a half changing your office wear. So what went wrong? Nothing. It's just your thought process. The more you think negative, you are attracting only the wrong things to happen and you get what you wish for.

On the other hand, if you were determined enough and firmly believed that you could make it on time no matter what. The obstacles vanish and you reach on time. Such is the power of positive thinking. Today being Monday, the first day of the week, let's begin the practice of positive thinking. Let's make it a habit through the course of the week. Try this and see how it makes life easier for you. Are you ready for the challenge? 



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