National Energy Conservation Day – Save Energy, Save Future

Update: 2019-12-14 10:59 IST

In our country, the 14th of December is observed as the national energy conservation day. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) executed the Energy Conservation Act in 2001 in India. Before we understand the significance of this day and get into the other details; let us know what exactly energy conservation is. The actual meaning of energy conservation is to avoid excessive use of energy and to use at least energy. So that we can save the energy sources for the future. We can do this only when we make energy conservation our habit and part of our daily lives.


With the growing population, our energy requirements are also increasing. But the pace at which energy requirement is growing, the fear of destruction of all energy resources has started increasing. So, we must begin conserving or develop other resources as a replacement. The entire human civilisation can be in danger if we are unable to do this in time.

The main motto behind the observing this day is to sensitise people about the importance of energy as well as conserving more energy by lesser wastage. Efficient use of energy is crucial for storing energy for a sustainable future.

Measures of Energy Conservation

Every individual can contribute to saving energy. We should remember that a small step will surely make a big difference in future. It is the easiest and most effective way to save extra energy usage, which can be played a significant role in the National Energy Conservation Campaign. These are a few things we should start following in our daily life.

 We can save energy by reducing unnecessary use of fan, light, heater, geyser or other electrical equipment used in our daily life. It is the easiest and most effective way to save the extra energy usage, which can be played a significant role towards National Energy Conservation Campaign.

 A compact fluorescent lamp or CFL, Fluorescent bulbs, Solar charged flashlight, Skylights, Smart windows, LED lighting and solar lights are some of the methods to save energy. We should also ensure to use ISI marked electric appliances.

 For residential complexes, street lights, Photo Electric Control switch should be used. We should plant more trees around the residential complexes which will help in holding the groundwater, and they will support in maintaining the temperature, which will lead to less use of Air Conditioners.

 Grand functions like weddings and religious activities should be organised during day time.

 Water conservation also leads to better energy conservation. Every drop saved makes a difference. We should use low flow showerheads, Ultra-low flush toilet, Faucet aerator, Composting toilets etc. are different means of water-saving solutions.

 Insulation also plays a significant role in energy conservation by decreasing the thermal losses in winter seasons too as thermal gains in summer seasons.

 The room's walls should be painted using very light colours so that the room can be lit up applicably through low-energy lighting devices.

 In many countries, to make energy conservation effective government charges energy tax or a carbon tax. This tax, on high consumption of energy, energy use has decreased, and awareness has increased among users.

The right meaning of energy conservation is to avoid the unnecessary use of energy. If we save energy today, we will protect our future and for the coming generations. 



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