Positive in negatives

Update: 2021-05-10 23:03 IST

Positive in negatives

I often think, how we change our thoughts with age, environment, company and state of mind. Does that mean we are never permanent in our taste, behaviour, thoughts and opinions? Why change is so pertinent and obvious? Do we really think like a completely different personality, when we confront the situation alternatively?

They say 'Change is the spice of life.' I say the only constant thing in life that is seen is change. For a child the necessities are different, for the adults, self-taken responsibilities drive them and for the old age the priorities are completely based on need.


Sometimes we fail to understand that the only fine line with the thin roads of life is the little gesture for others to accept their state as they are. Love is not about dependence but about the freedom it gives to accept others as they are. To trust the capabilities of others to handle their life and opinions in their own way without being judged, is love all about.

Let's look at redefinition of life in today's era where we must look at the life positively:

• Though the WhatsApp are full of home remedies people are still open to sending connects of hospitals and other requirements like oxygen and rare medications.

• The hospitals are running round the clock but still doctors are available to all who require them including online consultations.

• The covid warriors are helping by plasma whenever required and with open heart.

• People are getting delivery jobs to meet their living even when others are losing existing jobs.

• Parted partners are coming together back for the business and friendships.

• Talking friends are helping to cope up with the grief and tension of lost lives.

• Support systems like maids, drivers, etc., are valued like never before.

• Online business is doing great right from groceries to any need.

• Its an all time high to look at health for every individual and people have become health conscious in every way.

• People are out of the rat race and getting to experience peace by being home and having all their time to themselves.

• Family bonds have increased due to valuable and quality time with loved ones.

• Everything is available at home and all wasteful commutations are avoided so saving in time, efficiency and cost in every way.

• All meetings are possible easily in person with video calls and along with being available for far away parents and relatives which has become easier.

• All the ambience is created at home and lot of restaurant experiences are enjoyed at home without much cost.

It is really heart-warming to see so many positive changes which are visible with the big word "COVID" which is just defined as a life-threatening phase. I would say it has brought in a lot of changes in our mind set that everything is possible and we must be able to cease the day and moment though it looks difficult sometimes.

-The writer is motivational and transformation trainer, life coach and author



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