Ramadan 2020: All You Need to Know About This Holy Month

Update: 2020-04-24 16:35 IST

Ramadan 2020 This holy festival falls every ninth month according to the Islamic lunar calendar which is observed by all the Muslims. This festival is observed for whole one month which starts with witnessing the crescent moon. The new moon which is witnessed after the Amavasya in the ninth month of Islamic calendar will be taken into consideration. This is considered as the beginning of the Ramadan holy month.


History Of Ramadan Festival

According to Islam sources, Ramadan is observed first time when the 'Quran' is revealed to Prophet Muhammad. It is believed that in A.D. 610, the angel Gabriel appeared to Prophet Muhammad and revealed to him the Quran, the Islamic holy book. Every Muslim believe in the five pillars of this religion… They are:

1. Shahada (profession of faith)

2. Salat (Prayer)

3. Zakat (Almsgiving)

4. Sawm (Fasting) and

5. Hajj (Pilgrimage)

The dates of Ramadan change every year as they depend on the lunar calendar of the Islam religion. So, this month as the moon was seen on 23rd April, so it is considered as the start of holy Ramadan month. This whole month, Muslims observe fasting. The dates will be declared according to the 'Moon Sighting Committee' of Saudi Arabia.

And coming to the end of this holy month, it will be observed post the sunset of the 29th day of Sha'ban (the month preceding Ramadan). In case the moon is not witnessed, then Ramadan will begin 30 days after Sha'ban.

How Did The Word 'Ramadan' Came Into Existence???

The word Ramadan is derived from the Arabic language, 'Ramida or ar-ramad which means scorching heat. According to Islamic calendar, this holy month will be observed for whole 720 hours (4 weeks and 2 days).

Importance Of Fasting During This Holy Month

Most of the Muslims observe fast in this holy month except who are sick, pregnant and old. Their fasting starts from 'Suhoor' early morning before sun rises to 'Iftar' when sun sets in the west. So, people have their meals before Suhoor and end their fast after Iftar. That means Muslims fast for almost 14 hours between dawn and sunset.

Even during this holy month, Muslims will stay away from lying, fighting, drinking, smoking and sexual activities as they are considered as the sinful behaviors in this holy month. Instead, all of them will focus on prayers and also go for charities helping the poor people.

According to Islam sources, people begin the day with a prayer and also end their fast with a prayer. They believe that when Ramadan arrives, the gates of Jannah (Paradise) will be opened and the gates of Jahannum (hell) are locked up and devils are put under bars.

Evening prayers which are named as 'Taraweeh' will be held with utmost devotion by reciting the pages of Quran. Through these prayers, Muslims aim to grow spiritually by reciting Quran.

So, we Hans India wish every Muslim a 'Happy Ramadan' and as the lockdown period is going on, we wish all of them celebrate this festival staying at home. 



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