Simply Give!

Update: 2022-08-07 01:38 IST

Each aspect of nature only gives, with absolutely no expectations whatsoever. And nature is healthy and radiant. If we start giving, our mindset changes, as we think less about ourselves and more about others. In turn, our life undergoes a transformation. It has been scientifically proven that giving others affects our hormones and lifts our spirits.


Nature. And giving doesn't necessarily have to be in kind; there are other ways too! Read on to find out…


A smile is a curved line that makes everything straight! Use it with everyone. Keep smiling, it's contagious


This attitude of 'after you' is simple yet so beautiful. Give way to others. A simple example could be just to stop your car to let another vehicle or pedestrian walk by.


When you volunteer, help a sick person, a neighbour to cook dinner or help your gardener in his work, it feels really good. And feeling good is healthy!


Listening is also giving. Be there to help someone release what they are going through

Gift of Acceptance

Just like you want others to accept you the way you are, you also need to learn to accept others the way they are. Spirituality helps one in this aspect and in many others too.


Give knowledge or ideas only if asked. Knowledge can never be given. It's only when it's taken that's it is counted as giving, otherwise it's called a lecture!

The best help

The best help you can actually give to society is your own development. This takes maximum effort and yields the optimum result. When you start working on yourself, you become a source of inspiration to one 



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