Some Superstitious Facts Spread Over Making 'Friday The 13th' An Unlucky Day

Update: 2022-05-13 16:32 IST

Friday the 13th is a widely feared day, but this dread actually has no clear origin. (Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)

Today is Friday the 13th Nd the fact making it a headline is the question that is this one of the most unlucky days of the year? When the 13th day of the month falls on a Friday, it is considered an unlucky day in Western superstition.

The day appears once or even three times per month. In February 2015, there were three Friday the 13ths; in March and November 2017, there were two. Similarly, the days of 2021 and 2022 have only one occurrence. While there are countless connections to the day's historical significance, there are also various cultural myths surrounding Friday the 13th.
The extraordinary day has been the subject of numerous books and films. The tragedy surrounding the number has caused many builders to avoid the 13th level, hotels to avoid room 13 and even people to avoid starting new projects. The day is surrounded by various superstitions.
Several books, stories, films and events hold different reasons to put the day as an unlucky day.
One of the fact believed is according to Norse mythology, the number 13 became bad after the god of mischief Loki arrived uninvited to a dinner party in Valhalla where 12 gods were enjoying themselves. On the same day, Loki duped another deity Hoor into shooting another god Balder with an arrow, killing him. The Earth mourned Balder's death, and the day has since been deemed unlucky.
The first film in the series, 'Friday the 13th,' was released in 1980 as an independent slasher film. The story revolves around a group of teens who are murdered by an unknown assailant wearing a hockey mask. The franchise has produced 12 films, with the 13th film in the works for some years. Fans have speculated that the film franchise is cursed because to the delay.
Another story brings up astockbroker brings down Wall Street on Friday the 13th in the novel by US author Thomas W Lawson. On the same day, a ship named Thomas W Lawson sank near the United Kingdom. The mishap occurred on December 13 in the United States.


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