Swim a Lap Day

Update: 2021-06-24 07:00 IST

Swimming (Representational Image)

Take a lap! Around the pool that is, Swim a Lap Day is a day to get your snorkel and goggles on and patronize your local swimming pool.

Swimming is a great way of getting exercise, especially for those who have health problems that make traditional exercise difficult due to weakness or difficulty moving.

Swimming has been an activity humans have indulged in at least as far back as 7,000 years ago, a time from which depictions of this activity can be seen in stone age paintings.


People have been engaging in swimming for all these years for many reasons, with recreation being by far the most common among them. Swimming is, in fact, ranked among the most popular forms of physical activity, even among otherwise sedentary individuals.

The buoyant nature of water makes it much easier on those with physical limitations to get out and have a good time, and the act of coursing through the water is often described as feeling a bit like flying!

Swimming has also been shown to be excellent for your health Those engaged in swimming tend to engage in the activity for longer than other forms of exercise, and the act of swimming often engages the entire body while moving through the water

This also results in the body drawing on large supplies of oxygen during almost all stages of the activity Other benefits seen from this activity include a reduction in stress related illnesses by reduction of the same, and it can even improve posture!



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