Talent Can Take You To Places And This Inspiring Tale Of Philip Mansour Says It All!

Update: 2019-11-05 15:34 IST

It is absolutely true that success does not depend upon your education qualification. Instead, it depends upon a person's talent and calibre to utilize creativity effectively and efficiently. Philip Mansour from Los Angeles, California is a great example who has learnt things practically in life. He was not so good in academics which saw him drop out of high school in 10th grade. After that, he got his General Education Development (GED), which are a series of tests that show high school education and is as equal as doing an actual diploma course.


While he was 17, he found his interest in technology and marketing. At a very early age, he started his own business on eBay. Later when he was 19, he came up with his own wholesale company which sold wholesale digital electronics to small tech shops around the globe. Starting to work at a really young age helped him develop and learn a lot about business tactics. In 2009, he entered into the software space and started selling various niche software products and services. Focusing more on quality over quantity helped this young entrepreneur have his monthly profit in millions. Besides this, in the year 2013, he started consulting a lot of companies who had an aim to increase their brand value and bring in more clients to grow their businesses. Leaving a positive impression, the companies paid him a whopping amount in 6 figures as his consultation fees.

Trying his hand at several things, he launched in April 2018 which was an SMS communication platform for small businesses. He sold the business in September 2019. In November 2018, Philip jointly started venturing into the cosmetic business and started a magnetic eyeliner and eyelash company called which goes by its Instagram name as 'glamnetic'. The cosmetic products went on sale by the end of July 2019. The very next month, the entrepreneur sold 50% of the company to focus on his new and exclusive cosmetic brand. He will soon unveil the brand name and will launch it by early next year. We wonder what novel and creative his new cosmetic brand will offer to the customers.



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