Thursday Thoughts: Love, Tolerance And Unity in Diversity Ensures Harmony

Update: 2020-06-18 00:19 IST

Today man is immersed in an ocean of troubles and turmoils. World is looking for leadership which can help sail through these turbulent times.

But men fail to understand that the solution for most problems was discovered and recorded by great sages of ancient times. Man can get rid of this agony by strictly adhering to the divine commands which are laid down in the scriptures.


If you look around the world, equality seems to be an issue everywhere leading to a lot of problems. Be it the racial abuse of Floyd in the US or communal discord back home in India, equality is clearly an issue that is the primary problem for all prevailing problems.

But little do people know that unity in diversity has been stressed in every religious scripture. It is usually defined as the capacity to overcome the barriers of caste,creed, religion, and geographical boundaries.

All these are like branches of one tree. None should condemn them as wrong and no branch should fight or compete with another. If this happens, the tree will be destroyed and we all know when the root weakens the entire system collapses.

Sages have declared that there is only one God and while people see him in different forms. It's the source, support,and sustenance of all.

It's high time that we recognise this truth and live in harmony. Recognising divinity in everyone is the best course to achieve this. That divinity can be recognised as love which is present in every human being in some form or the other.

Whether you believe in God or an atheist, there is no denying that there is a supreme power which subsumes all creation!. Not even a single blade of grass can move without the will of God.

The earlier man realises this truth, the better it is for him. The only thing that can bind the entire humanity race is Love. Man cannot live a second without love. Beasts, creatures, birds and even demons share love among themselves.



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