Wednesday Wisdom: Every Life Matters

Update: 2020-06-10 09:30 IST
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Last night, we saw thousands of people gather for the funeral of African-American George Floyd whose death triggered anti-racial protests across the world. People were seen teary eyed as they bid adieu to Floyd at a church in Houston before the funeral process begun. While a few protestors wore the "I am unable to breathe" mask, a few others were seen holding placards which read "Black Lives Matter."


Now, this particular hashtag #BlackLivesMatter has created a movement of sorts sparking protests against the inhuman treatment meted out to the blacks. They are demanding that blacks be protected. Fair enough! Back home in India, there is a debate over whose life matters a lot. Calls to protest Dalits and Muslims have started. But as I reflect upon these new campaigns, I wonder if others lives are insignificant. No life is more important than another because of his community or the society he's living in. Every life is precious and every life matters. If only these fancy hashtags on social media could save lives.

Mutual respect and tolerance should be the primary trait of humans. Be it black or a white, Muslims or Dalits, no life is less important for the greatest gift in life is staying alive itself. Now, the issue of identity crisis for the minorities is beyond all these hashtags. Let's save the story for another day. Right now what matters is for people to work around the system to stay alive. You could tackle the toughest of challenges if you are alive. So the greatest gift of life is to stay alive. Remember that it takes months or sometimes even years to create a life so let's respect that.  



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