When Faith Leaders Came Together for the Environment

Update: 2020-09-16 14:23 IST

Actor Dia Mira 

Actor Dia Mira brings together faith leaders like Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Sadhguru, Salman Chisty, Sister Shivani as she moderates a special session to accelerate solutions for a Sustainable Future. Dia is also UNEP Goodwill Ambassador and UNSDG advocate moderated a conversation with a focus on reconnecting society with nature.

She shares, "Our physical, mental and economic well-being is possible only when our environment is healthy. We can and must work collectively in the service of the earth. And to do it with faith is what will define the path for us and keep us connected in a shared journey on this planet that we call our home."


Sri Sri Ravi Shankar adds, "Nothing is impossible for people when they come together. Faith leaders can inspire people and help them to envision how our planet can be sustained and cared for."

ISHA Foundation founder Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev says, "When we think of the environment as part of ourselves, we care for it as we care for ourselves. If there were no human beings, there would not be any environmental issues. We are the only problem. The way forward is that leaders must become part of the movement of rejuvenating life on this planet."

Sister Shivani from the Brahmakumaris said, "The environment gets influenced by our emotions and to create something different outside, we also must change our way of thinking, our way of speaking, behaving. When we create a shift inside, the vibrations will radiate outside and the world will change."

Chairman Chishty Foundation, Syed Salman Chishty also shares. "To get closer to the creator, we must be of service to the creation. It is important to learn about the sustainability of our existence. Nature is our biggest teacher and can guide us to have grace like the sun, generosity like the river and hospitality like the earth without making any distinction about who we are serving.

The historic conversation titled "Faith for Earth Dialogue with Faith leaders in India" organised by the United Nations Environment Programme also featured ISKCON founder Radhanath Swamiji, 37th throne holder of Drikung Kagyu order of Himalayan Buddhism, Reverend K Ruben Mark, Gurudev Rakeshbhai of the Ramchandra Mission and Dr Rajwant Singh from EcoSikh.



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