World Post Day: History, significance and theme

Update: 2021-10-09 13:45 IST

World Post Day, theme, 2021 is innovate to recover.

In more than 150 nations across the world, World Post Day is celebrated on 9th October, the above day mark's the anniversary of Universal Postal Union (UPU).

Significance of the day

In the modern world, Communication does play a very significant role in both, establishing as well as developing both social as well as economic relations. This specific day is celebrated as an ode to the contribution and efforts of the postal industry.


On the above occasion, the UN General Secretary Antonio Gutterres explained the significance of this day through a message, on world Post Day; he spoke about the invaluable contributions of the Postal workers to our societies and economies. The vast postal network has been involved millions of workers moving billions of pieces of mail to hundreds of thousands of post offices is woven into our societies as well as it helps in connecting communities the world over.


World Post Day was initially celebrated in the year 1969 at the UPU Congress in Tokyo, Japan. It was submitted by an Indian delegation named, Shri Anand Mohan Narula and since then, World Post day has been celebrated across the world in order to spotlight the significance of postal services.

Each year, the UPU's 192 member nations celebrate World Post day to mark the significance of universal mail and the UPU's contributions to the society and the global economy. Nation's hold special stamp exhibitions and launch new postal initiatives. India does host a week long celebration each year, over the week of 9th October.


The World Post day is not guided by a specific theme. However, as per the statement by UPU Director General Bishar Adburahman Hussein. When Covid-19 was affected all nations across the world, including established supply chain infrastructure as well as postal has found a way to continue offering services to the communities, Therefore, in the year 2021, the theme for World Post Day, innovate to recover.

Beginning from personal and official letters as well as significant documents, postal services presently now deal with e-commerce as well as online shopping packages in the changing world, thus making a digital shift.



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