Apex court right in its verdict

Update: 2019-05-08 00:51 IST

This SC judgement in the case of allegation of sexual harassment by Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi (CJI Ranjan Gogoi gets clean chit, THI, May 7) is not a matter of great concern whether it is correct or incorrect.

Many a "MeToo" cases were raised recently with unnecessary hype. In this case, even if the victim was really harassed by one person, then and there the problem should have been nipped in the bud.


What could she attain by her effort? The Supreme Court Justice had a good record in his career. If the case has favoured the complainant, how would it do justice to her.

If the allegations and complaints fail before the court of law, many facts become lies.

Women should not be humiliated or belittled. They have all the right to fight for their rights and dignity.

But that should be instantly done. Nectar turns into poison with delay.

The court of law should show equipoise between men and women. Efforts merely for blemishing others will not stand before the law without proper evidences.

Chavali Seshadri Somayajulu, Saluru, Vizianagaram dist, AP 



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